Popular Heroin Slang: Terms Heroin Addicts Say While Using


More and more Americans every day are realizing that the disease of addiction truly knows no bounds. There are no rules or limits on who it will affect– regardless of age, gender, social status, or race, people from all walks of life can become addicted to things like drugs, alcohol, sex, food, or even gambling. Many who develop these addictions can allow them to take over their lives. One of the most addictive drugs out there is heroin. If you suspect someone you know may be addicted to the drug, we will present some popular heroin slang words they may be using to hide their addiction.

An addiction to drugs or alcohol occurs when a person becomes physically and/or psychologically dependent on a substance, such as alcohol or heroin. When an addiction is formed, something that can happen even after just one time of using, the person suffering is unable to stop seeking and using drugs or alcohol because of the chemical changes that happen in the brain once an addiction develops.

The opioid epidemic has sadly made addiction fairly common in the United States.

A recent study found that 1 out of every 7 people will struggle with a substance abuse disorder of some kind throughout the duration of their lives. In recent years however, heroin or opioid abuse has drastically increased. Data collected from 2017 shows that 130 people in the United States die every day from an opioid overdose. In 2016 alone, more than 948,000 Americans tried heroin for the first time, a number that has been on the rise since 2007. It is estimated that nearly 25% of people who try heroin will become addicted, adding to the growing concern of the opioid crisis.

Many who become addicted to heroin, began with a simple prescription for opioids from their doctor. Addiction is not a moral failing. It is a treatable disease.

If you suspect a loved one might be abusing heroin, there are many signs you can look out for that might indicate they have a problem. Heroin is usually seen as a white or brown powder, but it can appear as a black, sticky substance. Heroin is a very powerful substance when abused, and is similar to morphine, causing many physical symptoms and other signs to appear. These can include:

  • “Track marks” or injection sites
  • Pinhole pupils
  • Skin infections or excessive itching
  • Finding paraphernalia such as needles, burnt spoons, glass pipes, lighters, belts, or rubber tubing
  • Scabs or bruises from picking at the skin
  • Delusions, hallucinations, or paranoia
  • Slurred speech
  • Drowsiness or nodding off at random times throughout the day
  • Decreased attention to personal hygiene
  • Shortness of breath

Of course, these are just a few signs or symptoms to look out for if you suspect a loved one of an addiction to heroin. There may be other warning signs that you may want to look out for. For instance, many addicts develop a type of “slang” language that is meant to conceal drug use from those who may suspect they might have a problem.

The term “slang language” is meant to describe words or phrases that are informal, and whose meaning is only known by a certain group of people. Slang language can be used for many reasons, some groups use it to form a certain identity or, for others, there is a more illicit purpose. As mentioned, many addicts use slang language in order to hide their drug use from others and since heroin is illegal, there are many slang words that have been created to refer to the drug without arousing suspicion.

Heroin is derived from the poppy plant found in Asia, Mexico and Columbia.

Slang Based Upon the Appearance of Heroin

  • Black Pearl
  • Black Sheep
  • Black Tar
  • Brown Crystal
  • Brown Rhine
  • Brown Sugar
  • White Junk
  • White Nurse
  • White Stuff
  • Salt
  • Spider Blue
  • Dirt
  • Diesel
  • Golden Girl
  • Red Chicken

Heroin Slang Based Upon Location Of Origin

  • Chinese Red
  • Mexican Horse
  • Mexican Mud

Slang For Low Quality Heroin

  • Bad Bundle
  • Crap
  • Crop
  • Flea Powder
  • Garbage
  • Ragweed

Slang Terms Based Upon Packaging

  • Bag
  • Balloon
  • Bindle
  • Blue Hero
  • Brick Bum
  • Burrito

Slang Names Based Off The Word Heroin

  • Big H
  • H
  • Charlie Horse
  • Galloping Horse
  • Capital H
  • H Caps
  • Heavy
  • Helicopter
  • Hero

Drug death from fentanyl. American opioid crisis

Other Slang or Street Names for Heroin

  • A-Bomb
  • Antifreeze
  • Tootsie Roll
  • Smack
  • Ballot
  • Basketball
  • Fairy Duster
  • Life Saver
  • Noise
  • Scag
  • Smack
  • Bozo
  • Bonita
  • Butter
  • Aunt Hazel
  • Beast
  • Hombre
  • Old Steve
  • Henry
  • Helen
  • Hercules
  • Rambo
  • Witch
  • George Smack
  • Dragon
  • Boy
  • Charlie
  • Morena
  • Junk
  • Snow
  • Chiba
  • Chiva
  • Skunk
  • Tar
  • Number 4
  • Number 3
  • Number 8
  • Poison
  • Dog Food
  • Curly Hair
  • Doggy
  • Doogi
  • Hats
  • Heaven Dust
  • P-funk
  • Patty
  • Sweet Jesus
  • Thunder
  • Modela Negra
  • Puppy
  • Pure
  • Raw
  • Sticky Kind
  • Mojo
  • Mole
  • Chinese Food
  • Engines
  • Whiskey
  • Comida
  • Coffee
  • Chorizo
  • Black Paint
  • Black Olives
  • Cardio
  • Cement
  • Coco
Heroin is a particularly dangerous drug that is easy to develop an addiction to.

Slang Terms For Heroin Combined With Other Drugs

  • Dynamite, Bellushi, Boy-Girl, Goofball, H&C, He-She, Primo, and Snowball- used to describe heroin mixed with cocaine
  • Primo, Chasing the Dragon, Dragon Rock, Chocolate Rock, Eightball, Moonrock- all terms meant to describe heroin mixed with crack cocaine
  • Screwball- refers to heroin mixed with methamphetamines
  • H Bomb- a mixture of heroin and ecstasy
  • Neon Nod- heroin and LSD (acid)
  • Chocolate Bars- a mixture of heroin and xanax
  • Atom Bombs or A bombs- slang for a combination of heroin and marijuana
  • El Diablo- can be used to refer to heroin by itself, but can also refer to a combination of heroin, cocaine, and marijuana
  • LBJ- refers to heroin mixed with LSD and PCP
  • Cheese- mixture of cold medicine and heroin
  • China White- fentanyl and heroin, a highly dangerous combination
  • Chocolate Chip Cookies- MDMA (ecstasy) and heroin
  • Cotton Brothers or New Jack Swing- mixture of morphine and heroin
  • Meth Speed Ball- Meth (methamphetamine) and Heroin
  • The Five Way- a deadly combination of marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, rohypnol, and alcohol

Keep in mind that some slang words may mean something else depending on different factors like location and age, as these have been known to change, but the intending meaning is usually pretty close to the same. This is also not an all-inclusive list, as there are many other names for heroin on the street. We hope that this helps you decide whether or not your loved one may need help with an addiction to heroin.

If you are not sure what steps to take next, then please do not hesitate to reach out to us for help! We have many addiction specialists that can help you figure out the next plan of action if you suspect that a loved one needs help with their substance abuse problem. Or, if you yourself are struggling, then there is no shame in getting help. We know how difficult it can be to get sober, even if you really want to stop using drugs or alcohol. We can help give you the tools necessary for a healthy and sober life!

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What Are the Behaviors of Current Addicts?


If anyone has ever known a person who has struggled with a substance abuse disorder, they may know just how disruptive an addiction can be in a person’s life. Normally, a person who suffers from an addiction is unable to maintain normal things in life that we often take for granted, like healthy relationships, stable jobs, regular access to food, water, and shelter, the list goes on and on. This is because their addiction to drugs or alcohol has literally taken over nearly every aspect of their life. So what are some common behaviors of current addicts?

Addiction is characterized as a brain disease that is manifested through a compulsive desire to seek out and use drugs or alcohol, even if they experience negative consequences because of their drug or alcohol abuse. One reason for that is an addiction to drugs or alcohol chemically alters the brain. This happens in several ways. One of them being that drugs and alcohol trick the brain into believing that it literally needs these substances in order to survive, ultimately leading to an inability to stop using drugs or alcohol. Most of the time, especially after repeated use of drugs or alcohol, an addict is unable to stop to stop on their own.

get help for addiction treatment drug rehab Riverside California SoCal

If you have ever known an addict, it may have come as a surprise, at least initially. You may have only put the clues together after having found out the truth.  Some addicts have grown so accustomed to hiding it after years of abuse that it may have been difficult to otherwise, there was always an excuse for the unexplained or out of the ordinary behavior. For others, it may have been more obvious, as there are usually some tell-tale signs that someone may be abusing harmful substances. If you are wondering now whether or not someone you know may be hiding an addiction, then here are some common behaviors of current addicts.

Abrupt Changes in Mood

One of the most common behavioral traits seen in addicts is an abrupt change in mood. This is due to chemical imbalances that occur in the brain due to drug and alcohol abuse. Feelings of depression, anxiety, anger, and joy that seem to come out of nowhere may be a sign that your loved one has a substance abuse problem.

anger depression anxiety stress substance use disorder behavior current addicts
People who are in active addiction can exhibit wild mood swings, from anger to depression, very rapidly.


They Lie

One thing that all addicts have in common is that they lie. They lie to support their addiction, they lie to hide their addiction, they lie to avoid feelings of shame and guilt. It is possible that a skilled addict has been able to pull the veil over someone’s eyes for years, but eventually the truth always comes out. They may always have an excuse about where all their money went or why they were gone for 5 hours when they just went to the grocery store for milk.

Sudden Lack of Interest in a Former Hobby

Another common sign that someone may be struggling with an addiction is a sudden loss of interest in an activity that was previously enjoyable for them. When a person becomes addicted to drugs or alcohol, it consumes their lives and becomes the main focus. This leaves little to no time for things that they enjoyed before, like hobbies, sports or creating art. If someone you know suddenly lost interest in a hobby, sport, or activity that was previously very important to them, it may be a sign that they are struggling with an addiction.

Woman, playing guitar by the beach in southern California.
Suddenly losing interest in a hobby that once brought joy, is a tell-tale sign of an addict.


Emotional Blackmail

An addict may use emotional blackmail in order to get someone to do things they don’t want to do. They typically start by asking for small favors that allow the other party to feel like they are doing something good, eventually they will ask for something bigger and use emotional blackmail in order to get what they want. They may say things like, “You don’t love me enough” or “If you really loved me”. This is an attempt to use your love for them against you.

They Manipulate

All addicts are expert manipulators of one form or another. This is one of the ways that they are able to continue their behavior. The majority of addicts will say or do anything in order to continue using drugs or alcohol. They may make promises to change when caught in a bad situation, or deny the problem entirely, even trying to switch the blame on you. They use guilt in order to make you believe them, and oftentimes we so desperately want to. Drug addicts can manipulate sometimes for years without ever changing their behavior.

Criminal Behavior

While not all addicts get in trouble with the law, a large portion of them do. Many addicts will do things like steal, forge prescriptions, or even write fake checks all in an attempt to continue getting high. This may also include things like violence and driving under the influence. Many drugs, like heroin or cocaine, can change the personality of the person who is under its influence, causing them to do things they most likely wouldn’t do while sober. Job loss and other legal problems are common with people who become addicted to drugs or alcohol.

Image of a police car lights to illustrate legal troubles associated with drug abuse and addiction.
Drug abuse and addiction typically lead one of 2 places: Being arrested, or dying from a drug overdose. There is a 3rd option: addiction treatment and a lifetime of sobriety!


Verbally, Mentally, or Physically Abusive

Many addicts will become verbally, mentally, or physically abusive, especially when confronted with their addiction. This can be an additional mechanism to shift the blame away from their substance abuse disorder. They may act aggressive or irrational when told no. They may threaten to hurt you, or even themselves in order to get what they want. This type of manipulation is likely just another attempt to continue their addictive lifestyle.

These are just a few of the common behavioral signs that someone may be struggling with an addiction. While these are good indicators that someone is suffering from substance abuse, there could always be another underlying reason like other mental health issues. If you are unsure whether or not a loved one may be struggling with an addiction, please call us today! We have many trained addiction specialists who will be able to help address some of your concerns and figure out a treatment plan if that is what your loved one needs in order to begin living a happy, healthy life once again.

Call Us 24/7 (877)-228-4679

Who is 10 Acre Ranch?


For those who do not know, 10 Acre Ranch is a highly professional, and extremely qualified, drug and alcohol rehab treatment center. It is a residential treatment center for both men and women. It is located in the heart of beautiful Southern California. The town of Riverside, California is just about 60 miles outside of Los Angeles, surrounded by wonderful mountain ranges and great weather year round. Another nice thing about Riverside is that it is about an hour drive outside of pretty much everything – places like the beach, the desert, and even snowboarding are all within reach. It is an amazing place where you can practically wear a t-shirt year round, all while still being close enough to take advantage of different places and different types of weather. These factors make Riverside, California a perfect central location for anything fun you might want to do.

About the addiction treatment programs at 10 Acre Ranch.

The program, of course, is designed to help anyone who is seeking help and is willing to take treatment for their drug or alcohol addiction. People from all over the world have come to Riverside, California just to get treatment from the 10 Acre Ranch facility. As the name suggests, it is also situated on a wonderful ranch where you can play with dogs. Animals are great for therapy as well as additional companionship while learning how to be your best self.

Offering a wide range of outdoor activities, such as a backyard pool for a nice relaxing swim, so that you aren’t cooped up in a house all day while trying to begin a new life of sobriety. Not only that, but the back of the property opens up to one of the most beautiful sets of mountains and the Santa Ana River. Just in case you don’t feel like enjoying the great outdoors just yet, then don’t worry, the 10 Acre Ranch facilities also have plenty of common areas for people attending treatment. You can always kick back downstairs, watch some TV, or take advantage of the game room. The residences include three fully equipped houses with kitchens, so there is high likelihood of a spot being open should you ever need it.

During the treatment program at 10 Acre Ranch, each day typically starts out with a morning meditation before moving on to a peer processing group. These groups try to address things like self-image, addiction and disease education. You can always count on group sessions to be super interactive, but no one is ever forced to talk if they don’t feel like it. If you just want to just sit back and listen, that is always okay too! Each person will have their own unique sobriety plan involving several different techniques and therapies.

You don't have to do it alone, get help today


The professional addiction treatment specialists are like family.  

At 10 Acre Ranch, there is always a therapist you can talk to for additional support, not to mention other psychiatrists or doctors so that all of your needs are being met. You are always guaranteed personal one-on-one time, too! The reason why their rehabilitation programs have been so successful in treating patients, is because it truly feels like a home. Everyone at the addiction treatment facility is like a family. The staff, the clients, and even the alumni who make frequent visits to check in become a huge part of the peer support group for those who attend 10 Acre Ranch for addiction recovery.

Everyone who comes to 10 Acre Ranch is welcomed with open arms and taken in as a new member of a loving, supportive family. The staff strives to make you feel like you are not alone, because no one should ever have to go through life feeling that way, especially when taking on something as challenging as achieving a life of sobriety. Another unique quality about 10 Acre Ranch is that the majority of the staff are also people in recovery, which only helps to add to the family feel. They are not an institution, but a home to recover. Which is why the ratio of clients to staff is significantly lower than most drug and alcohol rehab facilities.

outside view of 10 acre ranch facility


10 Acre Ranch offers personalized addiction treatment, based on your unique, individual needs.

As you may know, not everyone who is addicted to something is the same. Just as every individual is unique, so is an addiction to different types of drugs. It is true that each person will most likely require specialized care. While 10 Acre Ranch is fully equipped to handle any and all sorts of addictions, they also specialize in a wide variety of them, including:

  • Alcohol
  • Cocaine
  • Heroin
  • Meth
  • Prescription pill addiction
  • Oxycontin
  • Percocet
  • Fentanyl

When first entering treatment at 10 Acre Ranch, it is likely they will take your vitals and get a good description of any and all drugs you may be detoxing from. They will get a full medical history and then tailor make your treatment plan, specifically for you. A complete coordination between the doctor, physician assistant, and psychologist will help to ensure that you are getting the best care possible for your recovery. That original assessment will be used to determine the best course of action for medication to make you as comfortable as possible as quickly as possible. It is their utmost desire to provide a safe, secure, and comfortable place for their clients while undergoing inpatient addiction treatment at their facility. They even have a huge cabinet of snacks purely at your disposal.

At 10 Acre Ranch, there is never a shortage of good, healthy food. Things like steaks and backyard barbeques are all part of the normal routine. Not only that, but clients are taken to the gym nearly 4 times a week and allowed to play softball every Friday where they compete for a trophy against several other rehab facilities. For those who enjoy something a little less fast paced, clients are offered yoga classes at the corporate office twice a week, along with things like bowling or movies. They teach you how to have fun without drugs or alcohol. We offer both religious and non-religious programs, and employee assistance programs for employers. If you, or a loved one, are ready to get help and you’re looking for treatment, then there is no better place to get treatment than at 10 Acre Ranch.

SoCal drug addiction treatment program Los Angeles CA detox inpatient rehab for men women
Sobriety is entirely possible, with professional help, you will be more likely to succeed.

Don’t let your addiction ruin another day.

Call one of the addiction specialists from 10 Acre Ranch today!

Someone is available to take your call 24/7.

(877) 228-4679

Are Drug Implants the Future of Drug Addiction Treatment?


One of the most common misconceptions about drug addiction revolved around the idea that addicts somehow lack a sense of self control and moral fortitude. However, decades of research and science have led experts to a deeper understanding of how addiction actually works. Addiction is a brain disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking and drug use despite harmful consequences. Many people with addiction (or substance abuse disorder) have an intense, unrelenting focus on obtaining and using a certain substance, such as alcohol or methamphetamine, even to the point where it will take over their lives. Many addicts suffer job loss, homelessness, loss of personal relationships, and sometimes even legal trouble. Drug implants are a new development in the field of addiction treatment.

How addiction and human brain function are interlinked

People with a substance use disorder have chemically altered the wiring of their brain and how it functions, because of this many people have distorted thinking, behavior, and bodily functions. The majority of drugs work on an area of the brain commonly known as the “reward center”. When a person uses alcohol or drugs, chemicals, mainly dopamine, are released inside the brain. These chemicals are meant to train the brain for survival, increasing the likelihood a certain action will be repeated again in the future. Over time, with repeated use of drugs or alcohol, the brain begins to rely on this substance because it has been tricked into believing that it needs it in order to survive.

Addiction tricks your brain into thinking it needs more drugs to survive or even function properly.

Additionally, the brain begins to associate certain things like people, places, or objects with this behavior and can be triggered even years after getting sober. This helps to explain why some people relapse after they have stopped using drugs or alcohol. Thankfully though, there are many treatment options available for those seeking help with a substance abuse problem.

How to find addiction treatment options for yourself, or a loved one in Riverside, California 

Making a quick search on Google for support groups will likely bring up hundreds of results for anonymous 12-step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA). While these are offered in almost every city, for free, sometimes it just isn’t enough, especially for someone who is just getting sober for the first time. Alternatively, depending on the level of care needed, there are many drug and alcohol treatment programs available as well, such as medical detox, inpatient programs, outpatient programs, intensive outpatient programs, group counseling, and so on.

Factors to consider when trying to decide what level of treatment may be appropriate for you or a loved one will depend on many factors, such as: severity of addiction, type of drug used, quantity of drug being used, whether or not multiple drugs are being used at the same time, and how long they have been using drugs or alcohol. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to one of our addiction treatment specialists for a personalized plan today!

Our addiction treatment specialists in Riverside, California are available to take your call 24/7.

Unfortunately, addiction treatment is not one size fits all. Otherwise, that would make solving this disease a whole lot easier, and though there may be many tried and true treatment options available for anyone who may be suffering from an active addiction, there are still ongoing studies and clinical trials with the intention of solving this problem. Their passion is to find alternative treatment methods for those individuals who are more likely to benefit from their application. One of the methods that are currently underway, and is actively being studied, is the use of implants to treat drug and/or alcohol addiction. Below is a list of several different methods currently being studied that involve the use of drug implants that work to re-wire the addicted brain.

get help for addiction treatment drug rehab Riverside California SoCal

Naltrexone Drug Implants

Perhaps the most popular of this emerging field of science would be the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved treatment of naltrexone implants for addiction. Naltrexone is used to help combat heroin, or other opioid addiction, as well as an addiction to alcohol. An addiction to heroin, or prescription painkillers such as Vicodin, codeine, or Oxycontin, can be extremely dangerous. The safest, sometimes only, way is to attend a medical detox program. The same can be said with an addiction to alcohol. The problem with both these substances is that the cravings for the drug early on in recovery can be extremely intense.

The Naltrexone implant works by slowly administering an opioid antagonist that helps reduce cravings and prevent relapse.

Fortunately, the naltrexone implant works by delivering a consistent dose of naltrexone into the body for 3-6 months. It is usually implanted into the abdominal wall and has little to no recovery time after surgery. Additionally, there is no need for removal as the implant, resembling a pellet, will eventually dissolve after the allotted time frame. The important part of this medication is that it reduces the craving for drugs or alcohol by blocking the pleasurable effects substances send to the reward center of the brain, essentially re-training the brain to no longer associate drugs and alcohol with a pleasurable experience.

Deep Brain Stimulation

Another promising method for addiction treatment is deep brain stimulation. Deep brain stimulation is also gaining popularity for the treatment of things like obsessive compulsive disorders and Parkinson’s Disease. This approach to treatment hopes to combat the underlying causes for cravings, addiction itself, and relapse. Deep brain stimulation will be the tool to essentially aid in the rewiring of a person’s brain. Typically, an implant resembling that of a pacemaker is inserted under the skin, with a wire attached to the brain. In some cases, though, a person can have a chip implanted directly in the brain. The electrodes they emit target specific areas of the brain, impacting the brain’s reward system.

Deep brain stimulation targets certain areas of the brain with electric pulses that help to train the brain to operate differently.

Buprenorphine Implants

Another implant meant to aid in the war against the opioid crisis is the buprenorphine implant. It was FDA approved in 2016 as a 6 month subdermal implant for the treatment of opioid dependence. Similar to the naltrexone implant, it releases a study supply of buprenorphine for 6 months. Although, they do not dissolve and must be surgically removed.

Keep in mind these drug implants are just a few of the alternative methods currently being researched. At its heart, addiction is a disease and needs to be treated as such. Thankfully, with decades of research behind the current science, we are becoming better at solving this problem.

Does God Hate Drug Users?

Calvary Cross

Being raised in the Christian faith allows the followers of Our Lord and Jesus Christ to learn important values that show us how to lead a moral way of life. While it is always our intention to never stray from the righteous path of Christianity, sometimes decisions in life can lead us astray and down a winding path of destruction. In the Bible, there are many sins that have befallen mankind; adultery, envy, greed, thievery, etc. Through Christ, our Savior, all of these sins are forgivable, as long as the sinner repents for their mistakes and for being tempted by the devil. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). As long as we confess to all of our wrongdoings, God is just and merciful.

Is developing an addiction to drugs, or alcohol a sin?

One sin that has become more of a problem in our society is an addiction to drugs or alcohol. An addiction is a chronic disease that is often characterized by the users inability to stop using drugs or alcohol even though they most likely have experienced some severe and negative consequences, such as ending up homeless or losing their job. When a person of Christian faith wanders from the path of righteousness, they are often concerned that God may now hate them or that they will never be forgiven. This is simply not true.

God loves all of his children. Some people struggle with the demons of addiction and desperately need help.

Take into account the reason why Jesus was even sent to humankind in the first place. Along with spreading the holy word and teaching others how to live a moral life, he was sent here to deliver us from our sins, “I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance” (Luke 5:32). To say that God hates drug users would be like saying he hates every other person with or without Christian faith. It is the sinners that he cares most deeply about, as he wishes to offer each and every son and daughter a place in his eternal glory. He wishes to offer eternal life to those who believe in his power and mercy.

God’s intention is pure love.

While the problem of addiction may be relatively new compared to the teachings of the bible, it is both Our Lord and his son Jesus Christ’s intention to deliver us from evil. If you are a member of the Christian faith and have struggled with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, just remember that you are never alone. Christianity is the most practiced religion in all of the world. It is known to include many other denominations, such as Catholicism, Anglicanism, Lutheran, Protestant, and many others. Just like religion, addiction does not discriminate. It touches many different races, ages, classes, and genders. Today, in our country, more than 21 million people struggle with addiction.

Finding God’s true love is a great way to help solidify your recovery from addiction.

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it” (1 Corinthians 10:13). This is to say that, even though you may have strayed from the correct path, God will always be there to save you. It is his teachings that will provide the way out.

How to find Christian, faith-based drug and alcohol treatment.

It is no secret that the only true way out of an addiction, or any immoral way of living, is through the teachings of Our Lord and Jesus Christ. This is the reason why the majority of drug and alcohol addiction treatment is based on the Christian faith and having to believe in a higher power. It is because of our Savior and the Lord that we are able to be forgiven for our sins and be restored to the proper way of life.

If you or a loved one happen to be struggling with an addiction and are wanting to restore or establish your faith and relationship with God, then there are many Christian faith based programs out there. Christian drug and alcohol rehab facilities provide standard drug treatment and have a much stronger emphasis on the Bible. The majority of Christian drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs include;

  • Bible study sessions and scripture readings
  • Faith based 12-step programs
  • Sermons that discuss addiction in the terms of Christian faith
  • Daily prayer and reflection sessions
  • Attendance of regular church sessions
  • Ministerial and pastoral counseling

Recovery is entirely possible. Some people need professional help. 10 Acre Ranch offers a faith-based treatment program for addiction to drugs or alcohol.

Do not worry, there is always hope for recovery from an addiction to drugs or alcohol!

God is merciful and he will lift you up from the depths of addiction, as he has done to many others before you. We are all sinners, in one way or another, yet we are all still his children. It is through Christ our Lord that we are able to be forgiven.

“I will exalt you, Lord, for you lifted me out of the depths and did not let my enemies gloat over me. Lord my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me. You, Lord, brought me up from the realm of the dead; you spared me from going down to the pit” (Psalms 30:1-3). The road to recovery does not have to be walked alone. He will always welcome those who have strayed back with open arms, safe into salvation. For he loves all of us sinners, each and every one the same.

He does not wish to see us suffer, and has provided a way for us to have eternal life and salvation, in this world and up in Heaven. For those who follow His teachings, we know that the Bible and the Christian faith show us the true way of living. It is never too late to make amends and confess our sins to the Lord. He will always welcome us back with open arms, as it was his purpose to save sinners from evil. Rejoice in his mercy and his love!

(877) 228-4679

5 Bible Verses to Help People Who Are Struggling With Addiction and Substance Abuse



10 Acre Ranch is a Substance Abuse Treatment Program. We Offer a Christ-focused Program to Help Treat Drug & Alcohol Addiction at Our Top-Rated Program.

Get Help 24/7: 1-866-274-9892

We know that according to recent data, over 25 million Americans (although the real number is most likely double) suffer from a substance abuse issue. While there are many paths to overcoming addiction, here at 10 Acre Ranch we offer a Christian drug & alcohol addiction treatment program that is centered around Christ’s teachings, modern therapies and achieving recovery through the 12 Steps of Celebrate Recovery. Our program works with most major PPO insurance carriers and we are in-network with a number of plans. Our non-profit, true-to-form Christian treatment program is unlike many of the others you will find on the internet today. We have a truly separate Christian-track that is dedicated to providing our Christian clients with access to recovery that fits their spiritual needs while also addressing the core issues that lead to substance abuse. We ask you to remember 2 Corinthians 5:7, “Walk by faith, not by sight,” and take a leap of faith on recovery at 10 Acre Ranch. 

“Through Christ, All Things are Possible.” – Click Here to Start Your Journey

As you or someone you know may have struggled with long term addiction, alcoholism, or substance abuse, the bible can offer a source of light in an otherwise dark and lonely world. Many have struggled to find sobriety and many have received a helping hand through their own spirituality with a personal connection to Jesus Christ. Here at 10 Acre Ranch, we offer a specialized Christian treatment program that allows you to recover with the power of Christ. Contact us now to learn more about how we can help.

God is love and the bible promises that God is always with us. Through our faith in God we will receive help when we are weak, god will forgive our sins and heal our hearts. In the darkness of addiction we shut ourselves out from the rest of the world. When we lead a lifestyle controlled by alcohol or drugs, we avoid our family, our friends and we ultimately disconnect ourselves from God’s unconditional love.

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Many people in recovery have been greatly helped by a “higher power,” a personal relationship to God with the benefits of forgiveness, healing and hope. This personal relationship can give a person the motivation to stay on track towards recovery and sober living. Many people claim that once they surrendered themselves to God, they found their commitment to real recovery. These experiences are exemplary of various biblical scriptures that anyone in a substance abuse treatment program can relate to.

  1. Corinthians 10:13

    No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

    This verse has long been cited in the field of addiction recovery and sobriety. In this verse, Paul warned us about being overconfident. Thinking we are stronger than we actually are can cause us to be vulnerable. The real promise of hope in this verse is the fact that God will always provide us with the strength to say no. God’s strength is our strength to bear.

  2. Corinthians 6:12

    All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be dominated by anything.

    This verse is generally associated with sexual temptations and immorality, but you can apply the greater psychological concept towards any form of negative temptation. You may have the lawful right for instance, to consume any substance you could imagine but not all things are going to be helpful to you. Other things like alcohol or illicit drugs have the ability to dominate you and turn you into someone who you truly are not. Paul seems to preach moderation here but the point is that while all things could be legal, not all are beneficial to you. Ultimately, you should not allow yourself to become a slave to your own personal liberties

    bible verses for addiction

  3. Corinthians 15:33

    Be not deceived: Evil companionships corrupt good morals.

    The moments in life where we find ourselves swayed by bad influences are always much easier to identify in hindsight. We are always vulnerable in life and our experience reacting to these vulnerabilities can potentially make us stronger or weaker. Here, Paul warned about false teachers leading people astray from the teachings of Jesus Christ. But this is pertinent to patients in recovery, as addicts may have been led astray by their dark lifestyle that surrounded them during their period of substance abuse.

  4. James 5:15-16

    And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

    For anyone in recovery, hope is a cornerstone in the path towards sobriety. This verse is a lovely reminder that God can heal you, forgive you and give you the strength to carry on. When you are going through drug or alcohol rehab, temptation can seemingly lurk around every corner. While attending a Christian rehab center, God’s word reminds us to be honest and good in personal character. Through God’s watchful eye, we can maintain a constant vigilance to keep us in the light and away from the darkness.

  5. Romans 5:3-5

    More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. 

    Everyone in this world will experience trials and tribulations. God knows that we can become stronger through conflict. God’s ultimate love is our redemption from the suffering we experience as we navigate through the difficult times in our lives. Our moment of rejoice comes when we realize that no matter how bad our lives became, no matter how long we were addicted, there is always hope and a chance for a new life. God’s love is always there and we can find hope, courage and strength throughout our recovery if we remember this one simple fact.