9 Tips to Identify Drug Abuse in Your Workplace: How You Can Help Employees Who Are Struggling With Addiction


As the United States continues to experience the worst drug overdose epidemic in history, employers will often find themselves at the frontlines of an employees’ substance abuse problem. While the opioid epidemic has been prominent in the headlines of the past couple of years, almost every single person in America has come into contact with someone who is struggling with addiction. For many, it is a coworker, a neighbor, a close friend or a family member who has been fighting addiction publicly, or privately. We all tend to know someone who has been affected by this ongoing tragedy. As a human resources professional, identifying drug abuse in your workplace is increasingly likely and you are in a great position to offer much needed help.

Drug abuse tends to be a sensitive topic at the workplace. Most people feel like they need to hide their problems with drugs or alcohol due to the negative stigma surrounding their substance abuse. The problem with the stigma is that many who know they need help simply won’t ask for it. They fear losing their family, job, social status or freedom because they feel people would stop seeing them as a person. Many people continue to negatively judge others for their addictions. That stigma greatly contributes to the problem, as many ultimately lose their lives when their substance abuse goes without the treatment options and resources they so desperately need.

More than 72,000 Americans died from drug overdoses in 2017.

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) (1)

Employers can be on the front lines of addressing a substance abuse problem with one of their employees. While many will hide their drug use, some are simply afraid to ask for help.

As employers, we can identify potential drug abuse problems in the workplace and help our employees get access to the health care they need.

Once a substance use disorder is identified, an employer is at an integral position in the recovery effort. Employees are arguably the most valuable assets for your organization, so it makes sense as an HR professional to help your personnel attain a lifetime of sobriety through healthy choices. Two of the greatest tools available to a company are random drug testing, and knowing how to spot the different types of erratic behavior that is often associated with drug abuse. Frequent absenteeism is one common sign that someone who works for you could be struggling with a substance use disorder.

Illegal and prescription drugs are commonly abused in the United States. It is estimated that for every 50 people you employ, 3 to 4 are currently experiencing a problem with drugs and/or alcohol. (2) Have your department supervisors been trained in how to identify a potential problem? Do you feel that the safety of employees at your company could be compromised by a person’s alcohol or drug abuse? Regardless of your answers to those questions, it is always a good idea to understand the warning signs of a potential addiction occurring within your workplace.

Many times, another co-worker might know something you don’t know. Learn the signs to spot workplace substance abuse, before it’s too late.

If you suspect an individual has a drug or alcohol problem and it’s affecting their work productivity or the safety of others, you should act immediately.

Here are some common signs of substance abuse you can look for to help you identify a potential alcohol or drug problem with one of your employees:

1. Missing work or frequent instances of being late:

Many who struggle with a substance abuse disorder miss more days of work than the average employee. They are also late more frequently than your average worker. In 2016, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) found that a worker with a prescription pain medication addiction missed an average of 29 days of work per year. (3) Compare that with the 10.5 average number of days missed by most other employees. Frequent absences occurring after holidays, weekends and paydays are normal for a drug addict. These are all common signs that may stand out to you or your department supervisors. While missing a lot of work doesn’t necessarily mean a drug abuse problem, it should be worth taking notice.

2. Noticeably lower productivity in job performance:

When an employee shows up to work but somehow doesn’t seem to get the job done, this may be a sign of a chemical dependence issue. This is costing the American economy a lot of money, roughly $504 billion dollars per year (4), according to the White House Council of Economic Advisors. As you try to identify drug abuse in the workplace, take note of employees who were once productive, but now seem to produce less in an average workday.

Using drugs, or alcohol can have dramatic impacts on an employee’s productivity.

3. Higher health care expenses, worker’s compensation and disability claims:

It is estimated that employees who abuse illegal drugs have health care costs that are 3 times higher than the average worker. Factor this in with the increased likelihood of an on the job accident and you can see where the costs could exponentially grow.

4. Changes in outward physical appearance:

It could be an employee who has suddenly lost a lot of weight, or someone who comes into work looking disheveled, with dirty, wrinkled clothes. Personal hygiene is often neglected with a severe addiction, so look for these signs as well. These can be symptoms of an underlying problem with drug or alcohol abuse.

5. Major shifts in mood (abruptly or over time)

Behavior that is typical of a person addicted to drugs can be very subtle or depending on the types of drugs they are abusing, over the top. Simply withdrawing from other employees, or sudden quiet shyness could be a warning sign of an addiction or another mental health issue, such as anxiety or depression. Paranoid behavior can be more pronounced; the person may develop a temper that can be easily set off. Sometimes this results in violent, aggressive behavior that should not be tolerated at a place of work.

6. Physical symptoms that are visibly noticeable:

Look for these signs in your employees and you just may find someone who needs help with their addiction: Bloodshot eyes, shaking, body tremors, dilated pupils, bad breath or constant use of gum or breath mints. Constant sweating, clammy hands, a runny nose or constant touching of their nose could also be signs of someone who is getting high while on the job.

If an employee is suddenly acting out of character, they may just be having a bad day. If the problem persists, it could be a sign of something much worse.

7. Avoiding people after breaks from work:

If an employee seems to act strange after personal time, such as a lunch break or a simple trip to the bathroom, there may be a reason. They may be attempting to hide the smell or other physical sign of the drug they were using. It may be out of the paranoia which is often associated with abuse of various illicit or prescription drugs.

8. Employees caught sleeping on the job:

If one of your workers has fallen asleep at the job, this is could very well be a sign of drug abuse. In an office setting this may not be a major safety concern. Everyone experiences drowsiness every now and then. In an industrial or intensive production environment however, falling asleep on the job could become a deadly mistake. Either way, sleeping on the job is a detriment to the overall health and safety of your workplace, and if it happens often with a particular employee, they may be exhibiting signs of a substance use disorder.

9. Concerns brought up by coworkers and other employees:

Listening to your employees as a valuable resource is highly recommended here. Most often, employees who work closely with the individual will know more than you do about the situation. If you have a drug-free workplace agreement in use, other employees will be aware of the dangers that come with drug use at your company. Make sure you investigate the situation, talk to their supervisors and other coworkers to get concrete answers and make a swift judgment of the situation.

A drug-free workplace plan should be implemented to address any concerns or suspicions regarding potential drug abuse issues.

Offering help to your employees is a great way to help address the substance abuse problems in the United States as a whole. Many times, employers are the first to identify the problem.

Perhaps it is time to consider a comprehensive workplace alcohol and drug abuse program for your employees. Team training initiatives can greatly increase awareness to the threats associated with drug abuse on the job. Many human resource departments cover all of this but if you are unsure of your company’s policies you should talk to your HR department for more information.

According to a recent National Safety Council study (5), less than one fifth of employers in America feel “extremely prepared” to address drug abuse at their company. 76% of employers do not offer any training on how to spot on the job drug abuse.

Once alcohol or drug abuse is identified, an evidence-based rehabilitation program should be instigated as soon as possible.

In America, a large portion of the over 20 million people who struggle with addiction do not receive the treatment they need. An employer is uniquely positioned to help their people here. This help may ultimately save someone’s life. Employee Assistance Programs (EAP’s) are a popular form of assistance that can help you keep your most valuable assets living healthy, productive lives. Your employees are the backbone of your corporation. Your EAP could be a confidential service to help them deal with a substance abuse problem or another physical or mental health issue. These programs typically reduce harm associated with drug use, such as injuries, lowered productivity and theft. EAP’s are also are helpful in boosting overall job performance and employee morale.

A successful recovery from addiction is a long, continuous process, but a worthwhile one. Find out how you can help your employees today!

Through most employer insurance plans, we can help guide our employees find the treatment and resources they so desperately need. Is your company currently ready to meet the challenges facing your employees? Wouldn’t it feel good to know you might have a hand in saving someone’s life?

The Bottom Line:

Employer supported and monitored treatment yields better sustained recovery rates than treatment initiated at the request of friends and family members. (5)

-(2009) Substance use, symptoms, and employment outcomes of persons with a workplace mandate for chemical dependency treatment. Psychiatric Services, 60(5), 646-654.

With the help of our compassionate, professional, evidence-based drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs, 10 Acre Ranch can help you to better serve your employees. We will show you exactly where and when you can offer them support. Through our combined efforts we will help you foster productivity and a safe environment for your employees and everyone who comes into contact with your organization or business.

Want to schedule an on-site training? Give us a call so we can help you right away:

(877) 228-4679

(1): https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/drug-overdose-data.htm

(2): https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/nationwide-trends

(3): https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/opioids/data.html

(4): https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7219173/

(5): https://www.nsc.org/Portals/0/Documents/NewsDocuments/2017/Media-Briefing-National-Employer-Drug-Survey-Results.pdf

What is the Social Model of Recovery and How Can it Help Addicts?


In today’s fast-paced world where drugs seem to be increasingly more available as markets for illicit drugs persist even after years of policing, it is no surprise that people suffering from an addiction to drugs or alcohol have also increased in numbers. With the coronavirus pandemic keeping everyone at home, away from family and friends, alcohol and drug abuse has seen a sharp increase in just the last six months. Drug overdose deaths have also increased substantially. The social model of recovery is an important component of most addiction treatment programs. With the lack of social interaction, how are people who are currently struggling or, inactive recovery able to find crucial peer support networks and resources? The problem is staggering, especially as alcohol and drug abuse only continue to rise.

Statistics on Alcohol & Drug Abuse:


The United States alone is estimated to have 21 million people who suffer from substance abuse problems every day.

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 5.1 million young adults ranging in age from 18-25 suffered from a substance abuse disorder of some kind in the year of 2017– that’s nearly 15% of the population in that entire age group. For adults over the age of 26, that number grew to 13.6 million people, while only accounting for 5% of the population within that age group. Even more interestingly so, was that for the elderly population, meaning anyone above the age of 65, the number of people who suffered from an addiction to drugs or alcohol rose to a number just over one million.

With numbers like that it would come as no surprise that someone may have either experienced their own substance abuse problems or knew someone that had. Even with those odds, many people also know that there is a chance for recovery. Programs like Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) are testaments that sobriety can be achieved given the right tools and knowledge. Many have been down that same path of destruction, caused by using drugs or alcohol, and there are those who have recovered, although many not without help. While addiction itself has been around for some time, it wasn’t just until recently that we began to understand how it all works.

Isolation from others can do great harm to your mental health. Many who are struggling in isolation turn to drugs, or alcohol to cope with feelings of loneliness and depression.

Understanding the Root Causes of Addiction has Helped Shape Treatment Initiatives

What was first misunderstood as a problem with people having low morals, or a lack of self-control, we now know that is not the case at all. Addiction is a brain disease that is caused by chemical changes to the structure and the function of the brain. These changes can have a lasting effect, depending on the severity of use. This is one reason why many people who suffer from a substance abuse disorder are unable to stop using drugs or alcohol on their own, especially without getting help. As science got a better understanding of just how addiction worked, new therapies were being developed in order to help people who may be suffering. Today, the social model of recovery is one of the most widely practiced recovery techniques.

How The Social Model of Recovery Works in Addiction Treatment Programs

Using a social model of recovery can be defined in a number of ways. This technique takes a peer-oriented approach to relearn responses to challenges, stresses, and anxieties by experiencing the situation in a new way by observing a role-model. These types of programs also place a strong emphasis on things like peer-support, building strong connections, and holding each other accountable. All too often, an addict is also suffering from a lack of social support. A social model of recovery aims to build a strong community of support that encourages and promotes good changes in behavior, while also giving that person a sense of connection.

Finding a connection to others can be an important aspect of addiction recovery. Peer support groups can help people actively engage with others.

These types of programs became popular in California, especially as a lower cost option to the more clinical rehabilitation setting that some addicts often find uncomfortable. As with every individual who suffers from an addiction to drugs or alcohol, their recovery program needs to be just as unique. For many who have struggled with addiction, the social model of recovery has been the option that saved them. Scientists and addiction specialists all seem to agree that the more social connection an addict has, (outside of their life that revolves around drugs), the better chance they have at achieving a lasting sobriety.

Humans have evolved as social creatures, and we begin learning from a very young age by watching what other people around us do. This makes sense, as there was strength in numbers and we had to learn to get along to form a working society. Unfortunately, “monkey see monkey do” may be one of the biggest reasons as to why there was an addiction in the first place. Many of us grew up watching our parents or siblings, not only that, but research suggests that genetics make up for anywhere between 40-60% of the likelihood that someone will develop an addiction. Needless to say, it could be very easy to understand how it would be a more successful approach to recovery, by learning how to live a life of sobriety through watching what other people in recovery are also doing.

How the Social Model of Recovery Helps Addicts

There are many reasons why the social model of recovery can be helpful to recovering addicts. These programs give them a chance to learn how to adapt to stresses or challenges in life without needing drugs or alcohol. These programs also allow the chance for a strong social support group to be built, one that will hold each other accountable and offer advice for dealing with whatever life may throw at them, all while staying sober. There are those who say that the opposite of addiction is connection, and for many that is true.

Having a network of peers who actively encourage your recovery from addiction is an important component of a successful rehabilitation program. Call us to find out more.

As mentioned earlier, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is perhaps the most widely-known example of the social model of recovery. But sometimes, attendance to these programs just aren’t enough, especially very early on in recovery. That is why there are also many residential and inpatient rehabilitation programs for drugs and alcohol, regardless of your age.

Here at 10 Acre Ranch, we understand what it takes to lead a life that is successful in sobriety. We know that addiction is never one size fits all, and we offer many individualized programs that are tailored to fit the specific needs of any person who needs it. We even have programs for employers who want to help their employees who are struggling with the deadly disease of addiction. We believe in the power of social interaction and the benefit of learning from your peers, many who have been in recovery would say that they couldn’t do it without the help of the people in their recovery support group.

Do not hesitate to pick up the phone and call, we will be here to help!


Who is 10 Acre Ranch?


For those who do not know, 10 Acre Ranch is a highly professional, and extremely qualified, drug and alcohol rehab treatment center. It is a residential treatment center for both men and women. It is located in the heart of beautiful Southern California. The town of Riverside, California is just about 60 miles outside of Los Angeles, surrounded by wonderful mountain ranges and great weather year round. Another nice thing about Riverside is that it is about an hour drive outside of pretty much everything – places like the beach, the desert, and even snowboarding are all within reach. It is an amazing place where you can practically wear a t-shirt year round, all while still being close enough to take advantage of different places and different types of weather. These factors make Riverside, California a perfect central location for anything fun you might want to do.

About the addiction treatment programs at 10 Acre Ranch.

The program, of course, is designed to help anyone who is seeking help and is willing to take treatment for their drug or alcohol addiction. People from all over the world have come to Riverside, California just to get treatment from the 10 Acre Ranch facility. As the name suggests, it is also situated on a wonderful ranch where you can play with dogs. Animals are great for therapy as well as additional companionship while learning how to be your best self.

Offering a wide range of outdoor activities, such as a backyard pool for a nice relaxing swim, so that you aren’t cooped up in a house all day while trying to begin a new life of sobriety. Not only that, but the back of the property opens up to one of the most beautiful sets of mountains and the Santa Ana River. Just in case you don’t feel like enjoying the great outdoors just yet, then don’t worry, the 10 Acre Ranch facilities also have plenty of common areas for people attending treatment. You can always kick back downstairs, watch some TV, or take advantage of the game room. The residences include three fully equipped houses with kitchens, so there is high likelihood of a spot being open should you ever need it.

During the treatment program at 10 Acre Ranch, each day typically starts out with a morning meditation before moving on to a peer processing group. These groups try to address things like self-image, addiction and disease education. You can always count on group sessions to be super interactive, but no one is ever forced to talk if they don’t feel like it. If you just want to just sit back and listen, that is always okay too! Each person will have their own unique sobriety plan involving several different techniques and therapies.

You don't have to do it alone, get help today


The professional addiction treatment specialists are like family.  

At 10 Acre Ranch, there is always a therapist you can talk to for additional support, not to mention other psychiatrists or doctors so that all of your needs are being met. You are always guaranteed personal one-on-one time, too! The reason why their rehabilitation programs have been so successful in treating patients, is because it truly feels like a home. Everyone at the addiction treatment facility is like a family. The staff, the clients, and even the alumni who make frequent visits to check in become a huge part of the peer support group for those who attend 10 Acre Ranch for addiction recovery.

Everyone who comes to 10 Acre Ranch is welcomed with open arms and taken in as a new member of a loving, supportive family. The staff strives to make you feel like you are not alone, because no one should ever have to go through life feeling that way, especially when taking on something as challenging as achieving a life of sobriety. Another unique quality about 10 Acre Ranch is that the majority of the staff are also people in recovery, which only helps to add to the family feel. They are not an institution, but a home to recover. Which is why the ratio of clients to staff is significantly lower than most drug and alcohol rehab facilities.

outside view of 10 acre ranch facility


10 Acre Ranch offers personalized addiction treatment, based on your unique, individual needs.

As you may know, not everyone who is addicted to something is the same. Just as every individual is unique, so is an addiction to different types of drugs. It is true that each person will most likely require specialized care. While 10 Acre Ranch is fully equipped to handle any and all sorts of addictions, they also specialize in a wide variety of them, including:

  • Alcohol
  • Cocaine
  • Heroin
  • Meth
  • Prescription pill addiction
  • Oxycontin
  • Percocet
  • Fentanyl

When first entering treatment at 10 Acre Ranch, it is likely they will take your vitals and get a good description of any and all drugs you may be detoxing from. They will get a full medical history and then tailor make your treatment plan, specifically for you. A complete coordination between the doctor, physician assistant, and psychologist will help to ensure that you are getting the best care possible for your recovery. That original assessment will be used to determine the best course of action for medication to make you as comfortable as possible as quickly as possible. It is their utmost desire to provide a safe, secure, and comfortable place for their clients while undergoing inpatient addiction treatment at their facility. They even have a huge cabinet of snacks purely at your disposal.

At 10 Acre Ranch, there is never a shortage of good, healthy food. Things like steaks and backyard barbeques are all part of the normal routine. Not only that, but clients are taken to the gym nearly 4 times a week and allowed to play softball every Friday where they compete for a trophy against several other rehab facilities. For those who enjoy something a little less fast paced, clients are offered yoga classes at the corporate office twice a week, along with things like bowling or movies. They teach you how to have fun without drugs or alcohol. We offer both religious and non-religious programs, and employee assistance programs for employers. If you, or a loved one, are ready to get help and you’re looking for treatment, then there is no better place to get treatment than at 10 Acre Ranch.

SoCal drug addiction treatment program Los Angeles CA detox inpatient rehab for men women
Sobriety is entirely possible, with professional help, you will be more likely to succeed.

Don’t let your addiction ruin another day.

Call one of the addiction specialists from 10 Acre Ranch today!

Someone is available to take your call 24/7.

(877) 228-4679

Christian Rehab in the Age of COVID-19


In today’s world, thanks to the Coronavirus, it may seem like uncertainty and fear are behind almost every corner. Also commonly known as COVID-19, this virus has caused extreme unrest and panic across the world. Since being brought to all of the main media outlets and grabbing our somewhere back in the beginning of this year, COVID-19 has forced nations to shut down, causing businesses and government agencies to shut their doors to the public in hopes of flattening the curve. Since the virus has a high-exposure rate, and lives on surfaces for an extended period of time, only businesses that were deemed essential were allowed to stay open. Unfortunately, this has caused many problems of its own that are being felt across the globe.

COVID-19’s Effect on Drug Use And Relapse

One of the main issues being seen are the high percentage of relapse rates among people in addiction recovery from drugs and/or alcohol. This is due to a large number of reasons. Things like high unemployment rates and isolation due to cities being shut down and large numbers of people who are self-quarantining. Additionally, free federal aid is being granted, which may allow easier access to drugs, there have been closures of outpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs, there is no longer any access to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings, etc. Unfortunately, due to the nature of coronavirus, people are being forced to self-isolate and they are being cut off from the important lifelines that help to keep them clean and sober.

Options are available for Christians seeking drug rehabilitation in these trying times.

Although drug and alcohol rehab facilities, including those that are Christian based, have been forced to make some difficult decisions, they have also come up with some revolutionary ways to remain a valuable source to those in recovery who may still need it. It is through Christ that many are able to be saved, and in order to help God’s followers who may be in need, especially during this time of social distancing, is by offering remote drug and/or alcohol rehab.

Remote rehab is usually an outpatient program that is designed to fit the specific needs of an individual with the use of digital technologies, such as Facetime, Zoom, or Skype. This is great for anyone in the faith who still needs rehab treatment during this time. Below are some of the benefits that Christian-based remote drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs offer;

Increased Level of Privacy From Remote Drug Rehab

All too often it seems like nothing is ever kept a secret anymore. Well, with remote drug rehab you never have to worry about that again. It can help save you the potential embarrassment of someone seeing you while at an alcohol or drug treatment facility. Not only that, but being able to attend a counseling session, with a licensed Christian therapist one-on-one, through the internet, on your phone, computer, or tablet provides an increased sense of privacy as you do not have to leave the comfort of your own home. You could even attend your meetings in your pajamas.

More Flexibility in Addiction Treatment

It is pretty typical of outpatient programs to require their participants to attend classes on a specific day at a certain time, usually several times a week. This can be difficult to fit in with a busy schedule. Most of us know how stressful it can be trying to keep up with a high amount of demanding tasks in our everyday life. The good news is that remote rehab offers more flexibility.  Remote drug and alcohol programs will usually allow you to pick an available appointment that fits easily into the schedule you already have. A lot of times this is better than having to be somewhere, all the way across town at a certain time of day.

Attending an outpatient drug rehabilitation program is easier than you think. Many of your meetings can now be done online.

Added Comfortability – Drug Rehab From Home

In addition to increased flexibility and added privacy is the enhanced comfortability of Christian based remote rehab. Gone now are the days where we have to decide what to wear to our next meeting or appointment. Instead, it has become easier than ever to get closer to God while in recovery as we can attend rehab, and do all of the other things that we need, and never change out of our sweatpants. Remote rehab lets you get the help that you need right from home, and you never have to worry what anyone else but what God thinks, because who cares what you look like when you’re just sitting on the couch at home?

You don't have to do it alone

Guaranteed One-on-One Time With An Addiction Specialist

Another great thing about remote drug rehab is that you are guaranteed to get more one-on-one time. Most outpatient rehabilitation programs require that you meet a few times a week with a group of peers who are also on the journey to sobriety. Although this can be great at times, it can also sometimes mean that you don’t get all of the feedback that you would like. The great thing with remote drug and alcohol rehab is that you are guaranteed to get more one-on-one time with your Christian counselor or addiction treatment specialist. This can be even more useful during a time where life is drastically changing on a daily basis for everyone. A little extra time with someone who truly understands, can make all the difference, especially in these uncertain times of quarantine.

So, if you are a follower of God, and our Savior Jesus Christ, and you are struggling with an addiction, then do not worry. There is still hope, even in a time where it may not feel like it. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13). There has never been a more powerful time to reach out for help. It may seem like the world has shut down, but at 10 Acre Ranch, we are still here to help you, in the name of the Lord. If you, or a loved one, have strayed from the path of righteousness, just know that you are not alone. Christ, our Lord, will always have a hand for you to reach out and hold.

If you’re staying at home, many addiction treatment services are available from 10 Acre Ranch over the phone, or online. Call us right away!

(877) 228-4679

Can Spirituality Help in Addiction Recovery?

person sitting on a chair holding book

If you have ever struggled with an addiction to alcohol or drugs then you know firsthand just how hard it can be to get sober again and to lead a life of recovery. For those who know, addiction is now considered to be a disease that affects the functioning of the brain, and can potentially lead to permanent changes. This is part of the reason why it is so difficult for those who are suffering to simply just stop using drugs or alcohol without the help of an addiction specialist or having reached a rock bottom experience. Of course, there are those, very few of them in fact, who are able to pull themselves out of the wrath of addiction all by themselves, but it can not be done at all without at least the attribution towards something greater.

bible opened in a drug rehab
Finding solace in scripture or a plan helps establish a good foundation for getting free from drugs.

What Does “Something Greater” In the 12 Step Program Mean Anyway?

According to the Oxford dictionary, spirituality can be defined as the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things, but how you define spirituality is entirely up to you. For most, however, spirituality is the belief in a higher power, something in this world that is bigger than you; a supreme being or deity. This could mean mother nature, Buddha, Christ, or whatever it is that you believe in. The common conception in the world is that there is something out there that helps explain why we are here. This is the fundamental basis for most drug and alcohol recovery and sobriety programs.

“And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” (James 5:15-16).

In our world today, the most widely practiced religion is Christianity. Christianity encompasses a variety of different branches, such as; Catholicism, Protestantism, Anglicansim, and many others. The main thing in common between all the different branches of Christianity is the belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ as our savior, and God, our Lord and Father. Some may know him as Yahweh, Abba, or Cristos. Through the teachings of the Bible, many who have suffered from the grips of addiction have been saved.

You do not have to be religious in order to be spiritual. The most important thing is to feel the connection between yourself and something bigger. When someone is in an active addiction, the only thing that matters is feeding the disease, causing all sense of self worth to vanish. According to the majority of health professionals and addiction specialists, spirituality can restore your self worth and give you a new sense of purpose.

Spirituality can be a hard thing to grasp, especially at first. Even more so for people who have lost their sense of spirituality or have never had any to begin with. Developing a sense of spiritual individuality can take time, and there is no one size fits all. This is why those in recovery are urged to speak with others about their connection with their higher power. If you are new to recovery and are struggling to find your sense of spirituality, do not give up. Take the time to find what works best for you, there is no right or wrong way to develop a connection with something deeper and bigger than ourselves. 

Unfortunately, people begin using drugs or alcohol for many different reasons. Boredom, peer pressure, etc. A common experience among those who suffer from addiction is the inability to cope with the bad or negative emotions they might feel, so in order to avoid having these feelings they use drugs or alcohol to make themselves feel better. One major reason why spirituality is important is that it provides a much healthier and positive mechanism for coping with traumatic experiences or otherwise negative emotions.

empty chairs and stage of a church

Higher Sense of Purpose

Having a developed sense of spirituality, whatever that may mean for you, also gives a higher sense of purpose. Humans naturally search for a meaning in life, and the answer to that may be different for everyone, but what spirituality and religion help to provide is that sense of purpose. Several studies have shown that when a person has spiritual or religious qualities they are much more likely to succeed on their journey to sobriety, that is because they have a better sense of purpose. Just by being able to see the bigger picture, people are able to stay driven and motivated, making an incredible contribution to a successful sobriety. 

Either way, a big part of many recovery programs is based upon the belief in a higher power. The majority of 12-step groups are centered around the belief that there is something greater than ourselves. The most widespread and successful 12-step drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs are Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA). For both of these programs the first 3 steps, if not all 12, are centered around this idea. The first step is “We admitted that we were powerless over alcohol–that our lives had become unmanageable.” The second step is “Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.” The third, “Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.” 

So, if it weren’t for being religious, or having some degree of spirituality, most people who are now enjoying the benefits of sobriety would not have made it to where they are today. Regardless of what you believe in, there is hope for recovery. No person is ever too far gone to save. We all have a purpose in life, and if you are struggling with an addiction to any drugs or alcohol, we will help you find yours on the road to recovery! It does not matter what you believe, we are all worth saving.

You don't have to do it alone, get help today.

Most Dangerous Synthetic Drugs in America

recovery assignment


Drugs such as methamphetamines, marijuana, or heroin have long been a problem here in the United States as the war on drugs continue, even after decades of hard work, policing the illegal manufacturing, distribution, and selling of these products for illicit purposes. Synthetic drugs, however, are a newer problem that has swept across the county in recent history. Synthetic drugs, sometimes referred to as designer drugs or club drugs, are substances designed to mimic the effects of other drugs like marijuana or heroin, and they are chemically manufactured in a laboratory. They can be commercially manufactured for valid medical purposes and then diverted into illegal channels, or more commonly, they can be created in illegal clandestine labs with no chance to regulate the chemicals being used or the ability to determine the strength of the final product.

Synthetic drugs were first spotted here in America in December of 2008 when a large shipment of “Spice”, or synthetic marijauana, was seized and inspected in Dayton, Ohio. The majority of these synthetic drugs are created in foreign countries and then smuggled in through various avenues. The reason why these drugs are more difficult to detect is that many of the chemicals used in the illegal manufacturing process are made to circumvent standard tests for drug detection by law enforcement agencies such as the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Foreign manufacturers are often able to alter the molecular structure of these compounds in order to bypass the laws regulating these substances, therefore masking their intended purpose and avoiding enforcement by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The reason why these types of drugs are more dangerous is because most of the side effects are unknown, as the difference in the chemical structure can have varying negative effects on the brain and the behavior of the user who is under its influence. Due to the illegal manufacturing of these drugs, the strength is unregulated and can cause an unexpected overdose as the individual taking them is unaware of how much they are ingesting. Low prices, availability and misconception of the harmless effects of synthetic drugs have likely led to its popularity and subsequent substance abuse problem.

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There are more than 300 newly discovered synthetic drugs on the market, with that number still rising, making it even more difficult to predict the side effects of each one. However, the most dangerous of these designer drugs that have been detected in America are listed as follows;

  • Fentanyl 

Fentanyl is the highest strength opioid on the market and is often used by dealers to dilute heroin on the streets. It is said to be 80-100 times stronger than morphine, making it a danger to someone who doesn’t know what they are using. It was first created as a skin patch for the pain management of cancer patients but now due to its high strength, it is also being cut down and sold as a super strength heroin. There is a high chance of overdose to unsuspecting users due to its potency and the unpredictable ingredients when manufactured and sold for illegal purposes. 

  • Synthetic Marijuana

Synthetic marijuana, also referred to as K2 or spice, are chemical compounds created to imitate the effects of marijuana. Synthetic marijuana strains, or cannabinoids, are perhaps the most well known across the country as its negative effects to users received widespread media attention. Made from dried and shredded plant materials that are then sprayed with chemicals, it is often colorfully packaged and sold as “potpourri”, a type of incense. It can be purchased from convenience stores, gas stations or glass pipe shops, making it easy to obtain and very misleading to the user as its readily available. There is a high chance of negative effects after exposure as many of these chemicals go unmonitored for the safety of human consumption. 

  • Synthetic Stimulants

Synthetic Stimulants, otherwise known as cathinones, are designer drugs like bath salts or molly. These substances were created to mimic the effects of other stimulating drugs such as ecstasy, MDMA, or methamphetamine. Bath salts, not to be confused with epsom salts, are chemically related to cathinone, a stimulating substance naturally found in the khat plant. The khat plant was once used to treat depression, diabetes, fatigue and various other ailments, but has since been banned from production in many countries due to its harmful side effects. Synthetic drugs containing cathinone are more lethal than the natural substance because of its increased potency and highly toxic side effects. Bath salts have been known to produce violent and psychotic behavior relating to self harm and cannibalism.

Molly is another synthetic stimulant that is more popular within night clubs or with members of the rave community. When the user is unaware of what chemicals are in the compound it becomes more dangerous when consumed with other substances such as alcohol or marijuana, and unfortunately in these settings it most commonly is. Sometimes this combination can even be lethal to the unsuspecting user. What was first confiscated as “pure MDMA”, cops have later found, more often than not, that the substance would test positive for varying amounts of cathinone. Thus, increasing the danger when using this drug.

  • Synthetic LSD

While LSD itself is chemically derived in a laboratory and induces powerful mood altering changes, there are still designer drugs created to replicate its effects. These chemicals are even more harmful when ingested. Also known as phenethylamine, and called N-bomb or smiles on the street, synthetic LSD has had many negative effects to the user as they are unaware that they are not taking LSD, making it even more dangerous to those who are inexperienced. These drugs can cause hallucinations, anxiety and even death, leading to unwanted overdoses due to the unknown ingestion of these harmful compounds. 

If you or someone you know is suffering from a chemical dependency to any of these substances listed above or are experiencing withdrawal symptoms of any kind, please contact a medical professional today to get help in managing the heavy detox and withdrawal symptoms. There is always hope for recovery and you do not have to go through this alone.