The Importance of Peer Support Systems in Addiction Recovery


When someone enters our residential addiction treatment facility in Riverside, California, we strongly emphasize a ‘social model’ of recovery. Our treatment program is unique, in that we strive to help our patients get ready for life outside of a professional addiction treatment program. Our residential, inpatient alcohol and drug rehabilitation programs immerse the individual in a community of fellow people who have just began their road to recovery. This experience with peers in a supportive, compassionate environment helps our patients learn new skills to cope with emotional and social stress. The reactions to these situations are guided in a social atmosphere and are crucial to help our clients avoid potential relapse triggers that may occur later in their journey towards sobriety.

12 step programs and support groups still play a major role in modern addiction treatment.

Men’s drug rehab in Riverside, California.

In recovery from substance abuse, 12 step programs like Alcoholic’s Anonymous or Narcotic’s Anonymous help create relationships, most importantly the relationship with a sponsor. This relationship will allow for a continuation of care and community support following a formal drug rehab program. These types of support structures help welcome newcomers and guide them through the early, sometimes turbulent stages of recovery.

Beginning 12-Step participation while in treatment, especially at group meetings held at the treatment program, and 12-Step attendance at the same time that one is enrolled in specialty treatment, are associated with better outcomes.”- NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information)

Consistent participation is the key when it comes to any attempt at alcohol or drug rehabilitation. Addiction is a disease and just like any other disease, addiction can be treated with both psychological and medical treatment methods. While evidence based medical approaches to care have advanced the addiction treatment industry into the 21st century, a strong foundation of interpersonal support is still a critical component in helping people abstain from further substance use. Ongoing, consistent social support is essential to a successful recovery.

Peer support and 12 step groups are most effective in helping people recover from addiction when coupled with behavioral therapy and applicable medical treatments as determined by a medical doctor. Long-term sobriety should be the ultimate goal of any reputable treatment program. While some people’s lives have been saved through the tenants of 12-step programs, it doesn’t always work for everyone, in every situation. A custom, personalized treatment plan should be developed on an individual basis to ensure the best results. Most often, these plans of action will incorporate a variety of treatment methods to address the unique needs of each of our patients.

Peer support is available, outside of traditional 12-step program environments.

In many ways, recovery is a very personal experience that is different for each individual. Upon entering a drug rehabilitation program, you begin to notice your inward reasons for using drugs and alcohol, while finding ways to rebuild your life into the one you want from sobriety. Although much of your recovery is dependent on your personal willingness to change, the benefits of outside social support should not be underestimated.

Support groups will help you continue your recovery from addiction outside of a treatment center.

Your family members, friends, co-workers and neighbors can be helpful in your recovery, but it is important to sever ties with those who may have had a negative influence on your life. This can often be the most difficult part of recovery for many people. Finding supportive, understanding, compassionate peers and family members to help you through your recovery is important. Many proclaim this as one of the primary benefits of 12 step programs. Surrounding yourself with positive peer influences can greatly help you navigate through early relapse triggers and develop appropriate responses to challenging situations. 12 step programs are a valuable resource that can help you find positive social contacts who understand your situation.

While unhealthy people and situations contributed to and helped enable your substance abuse, positive, healthy relationships can help create a sort of positive peer pressure to help you overcome your addiction. It is very likely in a support group to find others who have been where you are and they may be able to offer advice on your journey to stay clean.

Addiction can be an isolating experience. Know that you are not alone in your recovery. 

Talking about your life, your choices and experiences with like-minded individuals can greatly help you overcome the underlying reasons you developed an addiction in the first place. Cognitive behavioral therapy, relapse prevention and other types of individual and group therapy sessions will allow you to talk through your problem and find solutions in a typical drug rehab setting. It is important to continue this work for a long period after you leave the care of an addiction treatment center. Research has shown a significant decrease in the risk of relapse among people who participate in peer support programs.

Facility in Riverside

Holding yourself accountable is another very important aspect of healing that will greatly lend to your sobriety. A support network can also help hold you accountable to your goals in recovery. These connections can be incredibly helpful through the everyday challenges you will face while attempting to maintain your sobriety. It should be very easy for you to be open and honest with your sponsor and other peers from a 12 step program. They will not approach your situations and challenges with judgment, so you can usually trust them. Even in the event of a relapse, your support group won’t give up on you. Relapse does not mean that you have failed at recovery. Addiction and mental health specialists now consider relapse to be a completely normal part of recovery from an addiction. We employ the social model of recovery to help you maintain your sobriety long after you leave our immediate care.

Finding professional help is a great first step towards a new life. Call us today to discuss your options and begin your journey. We are open 24/7 to take your call:

(877) 228-4679

5 Bible Verses to Help People Who Are Struggling With Addiction and Substance Abuse



10 Acre Ranch is a Substance Abuse Treatment Program. We Offer a Christ-focused Program to Help Treat Drug & Alcohol Addiction at Our Top-Rated Program.

Get Help 24/7: 1-866-274-9892

We know that according to recent data, over 25 million Americans (although the real number is most likely double) suffer from a substance abuse issue. While there are many paths to overcoming addiction, here at 10 Acre Ranch we offer a Christian drug & alcohol addiction treatment program that is centered around Christ’s teachings, modern therapies and achieving recovery through the 12 Steps of Celebrate Recovery. Our program works with most major PPO insurance carriers and we are in-network with a number of plans. Our non-profit, true-to-form Christian treatment program is unlike many of the others you will find on the internet today. We have a truly separate Christian-track that is dedicated to providing our Christian clients with access to recovery that fits their spiritual needs while also addressing the core issues that lead to substance abuse. We ask you to remember 2 Corinthians 5:7, “Walk by faith, not by sight,” and take a leap of faith on recovery at 10 Acre Ranch. 

“Through Christ, All Things are Possible.” – Click Here to Start Your Journey

As you or someone you know may have struggled with long term addiction, alcoholism, or substance abuse, the bible can offer a source of light in an otherwise dark and lonely world. Many have struggled to find sobriety and many have received a helping hand through their own spirituality with a personal connection to Jesus Christ. Here at 10 Acre Ranch, we offer a specialized Christian treatment program that allows you to recover with the power of Christ. Contact us now to learn more about how we can help.

God is love and the bible promises that God is always with us. Through our faith in God we will receive help when we are weak, god will forgive our sins and heal our hearts. In the darkness of addiction we shut ourselves out from the rest of the world. When we lead a lifestyle controlled by alcohol or drugs, we avoid our family, our friends and we ultimately disconnect ourselves from God’s unconditional love.

10 Acre Ranch is Here to Help. Call Now: 1-866-274-9892

Many people in recovery have been greatly helped by a “higher power,” a personal relationship to God with the benefits of forgiveness, healing and hope. This personal relationship can give a person the motivation to stay on track towards recovery and sober living. Many people claim that once they surrendered themselves to God, they found their commitment to real recovery. These experiences are exemplary of various biblical scriptures that anyone in a substance abuse treatment program can relate to.

  1. Corinthians 10:13

    No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

    This verse has long been cited in the field of addiction recovery and sobriety. In this verse, Paul warned us about being overconfident. Thinking we are stronger than we actually are can cause us to be vulnerable. The real promise of hope in this verse is the fact that God will always provide us with the strength to say no. God’s strength is our strength to bear.

  2. Corinthians 6:12

    All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be dominated by anything.

    This verse is generally associated with sexual temptations and immorality, but you can apply the greater psychological concept towards any form of negative temptation. You may have the lawful right for instance, to consume any substance you could imagine but not all things are going to be helpful to you. Other things like alcohol or illicit drugs have the ability to dominate you and turn you into someone who you truly are not. Paul seems to preach moderation here but the point is that while all things could be legal, not all are beneficial to you. Ultimately, you should not allow yourself to become a slave to your own personal liberties

    bible verses for addiction

  3. Corinthians 15:33

    Be not deceived: Evil companionships corrupt good morals.

    The moments in life where we find ourselves swayed by bad influences are always much easier to identify in hindsight. We are always vulnerable in life and our experience reacting to these vulnerabilities can potentially make us stronger or weaker. Here, Paul warned about false teachers leading people astray from the teachings of Jesus Christ. But this is pertinent to patients in recovery, as addicts may have been led astray by their dark lifestyle that surrounded them during their period of substance abuse.

  4. James 5:15-16

    And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

    For anyone in recovery, hope is a cornerstone in the path towards sobriety. This verse is a lovely reminder that God can heal you, forgive you and give you the strength to carry on. When you are going through drug or alcohol rehab, temptation can seemingly lurk around every corner. While attending a Christian rehab center, God’s word reminds us to be honest and good in personal character. Through God’s watchful eye, we can maintain a constant vigilance to keep us in the light and away from the darkness.

  5. Romans 5:3-5

    More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. 

    Everyone in this world will experience trials and tribulations. God knows that we can become stronger through conflict. God’s ultimate love is our redemption from the suffering we experience as we navigate through the difficult times in our lives. Our moment of rejoice comes when we realize that no matter how bad our lives became, no matter how long we were addicted, there is always hope and a chance for a new life. God’s love is always there and we can find hope, courage and strength throughout our recovery if we remember this one simple fact.

What is Inpatient Drug Rehab?


As an effective form of addiction treatment, inpatient drug rehab is intended to help individuals stop the often destructive, compulsive behavior of abusing drugs and alcohol. Inpatient drug rehabilitation involves living at a residential addiction treatment center, over a period of time. The average stay at an inpatient treatment center typically lasts from 30 to 90 days or more, depending on the severity of the addiction.
Ongoing treatment is essential to help ensure a full recovery from the devastating grip of an addiction.

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Are There Any Rehab Facilities For Teens?


Many parents and teens face this problem, so please know that you are not alone. Addiction is a disease, and just like any other disease, addiction is a treatable one. Finding the best rehab facilities for teens is a great first step to take when your child’s health and safety is your primary concern.
This condition will only get worse, the longer the problem goes without treatment. Early detection is crucial to helping your child leave behind the destructive lifestyle that is commonly associated with substance abuse.

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Can Food Help Treat Addictions?


Nutritional therapy can greatly increase the effectiveness of drug abuse treatment programs. It turns out, eating healthy can really help people who are recovering from addiction feel better, both mentally and physically. Combined with regular exercise and strength training, proper nutrition is an essential component of a successful recovery plan. As these efforts will greatly improve the physical health of the patients, they also help train the mind to act in it’s own self interest by developing healthy habits to replace the old, unhealthy ones.

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Why Is Stopping Drugs So Hard?

Why is it so hard to stop using drugs blog image.

Addiction is a disease of the brain. Your brain is the control center of your body, affecting your thoughts, feelings, decisions and actions. Addiction to drugs or alcohol is hard because it changes the signals in your brain, which makes it difficult to feel okay without using the drugs. When you first take drugs you feel a high or a rush from the substance. But over time, the high is not as strong and you must take more and more of the drug to keep from feeling bad. This is what happens when you become addicted. Many people who are addicted want to quit and they think they can do it on their own.

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