Addiction Recovery: Meditation for Beginners


“Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak.”

– Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

The practice of meditation may seem intimidating at first but it is actually one of the most powerful and informal therapies for addiction recovery. There are no rules for participating. All it takes is a willingness to embrace the stillness of a quiet, peaceful mind.

Given the vast number of medical and behavioral health benefits, many holistic addiction treatment centers have started to incorporate meditation therapy as part of an overall recovery program.

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to find diversions to escape from the stress of everyday life. While some methods of avoiding painful emotions can offer short-term relief, they only delay the inevitable confrontation with reality.

In contrast, meditation helps to empower individuals with a personal tool to acknowledge feelings, thoughts and emotions in an effort to break through and resolve barriers to emotional growth.

Why Meditation is Great for Beginners

  • Meditation doesn’t discriminate. Regardless of your age or your physical ability, you can start to incorporate meditation into your daily routine.
  • There are zero investment costs up front. Unlike other forms of stress relief, like exercising at the gym or acupuncture, there are no membership fees or expensive pieces of equipment to purchase. By simply taking the time nurture yourself in solitude, you can reap the benefits without straining your budget.
  • You don’t have to worry about comparing yourself to others. Sometimes it can be intimidating to start a new hobby or exercise program if you’re constantly comparing yourself to others. Meditation is unique in that you can choose to practice by yourself to ensure your energy is focused solely on your recovery.

Getting Started

Meditation may seem intimidating at first, but it’s actually a very intuitive tool for supporting your mental and physical health during recovery.

Want to get started today? Find a quiet space in your home, get comfortable and just breathe.

Get the Help You Need

If you’re struggling with alcohol addiction or drug abuse, 10 Acre Ranch can help you detox. We offer personalized treatment, as well as extensive aftercare support to help you maintain your hard-won sobriety. By emphasizing exercise, nutritional balance, and recreational activities, we encourage clients to develop a healing lifestyle that sticks—during and after recovery.

Call (877) 228-4679 for program details or to discuss your customized recovery program with an addiction counselor.

3 Masculinity Myths: What Is the Truth?

Men and women in recovery

Historically, western civilization has celebrated certain attributes of masculinity and given rise to these myths:

1. Men are unemotional.
2. Men are focused and decisive.
3. Men are competitive.

Societies worldwide have valued these traits so much that they have incorporated them into the upbringing of boys for generations. It is difficult to distinguish which characteristics are innate and which are imposed. Today, with our liberalized views of gender roles, the truth of these myths is being questioned, rejected, and even ridiculed. But the truth is that men, like their role in society, are filled with contradictions.

Men Are Unemotional
Boys are often raised to refrain from showing emotions like fear, uncertainty, and anger. They may be expected to cope with physical and emotional hurt without any outward sign of pain. There is a good reason behind this suppression of emotion. In times of crisis, it ideally allows a man to think rationally and decisively. But the inability to express emotions can leave men without self-understanding—and may lead to self-destructive behaviors such as anger, depression, or addiction. As gender lines begin to blur, men have an opportunity to accept and process their emotions in a more constructive manner.

Men Are Focused & Decisive
Leadership is a prized masculine quality, and men may be expected to know and perform the precise action required by any given situation. Even the most capable person needs time for analysis and exploration before making a decision. The pressures of social expectation and consequences of responsibility are burdens that can leave men with feelings of undue inadequacy, shame, and hopelessness.

Men Are Competitive
This might be more accurately stated as “men are expected to be competitive.” The diverse nature of individual men is likely to dictate whether they are athletic or intellectual, aggressive or amiable, driven or satisfied. Men who know their strengths tend to be self-assured and accomplished, without a need to continually prove themselves. Those who are highly competitive may be searching for an affirmation of their worth.

CA Rehab for Men
The pressures of manhood leave many men with pent-up emotions and uncertainty about the roles they play in work, family life, and society. If you have turned to self-medication or alcoholism in order to cope with the contradictions in your life, 10 Acre Ranch can help. Dial 1.877.228.4679 to learn more about our residential rehab program and begin the enrollment process now.

Getting Your Spring Budget on Track

photo of a calculator, pen and notebook in the grass

Men struggling with compulsive alcohol or drug use often find themselves under heavy financial stress due to job loss, substance-related debt, or increases in insurance premiums. By the time they enter rehab, many substance abusers have gone down a path of total financial destruction. Just like people who declare bankruptcy or struggle to overcome a shopping compulsion, those in addiction recovery may need to start over financially.

“Starting over” looks different for everyone, but generally includes:

  • Getting on a written budget. Nobody likes the “b” word, but it is an essential part of tracking how and when you are spending. Your budget should prioritize basic needs (food, clothing, shelter), as well as accounting for debt repayment and savings. Check out proven programs like Suze Orman’s Money Class or Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps if you don’t know where to start.
  • Educate yourself about needs & wants. Throughout your chemical dependency, your life revolved around instant gratification. You “needed” a fix, a drink, or a pill—even when you ran out of money. As you gain traction with your addiction recovery, re-evaluate spending priorities to incorporate long-term savings goals such as retirement, dream vacations, or a return to college.
  • Get debt counseling. Chances are there are free community programs and affordable debt counseling tools and services available in your area. Visit the National Foundation for Credit Counseling®, a non-profit organization, for a list of resources. Coming to terms with your addiction debt is a key part of restoring your finances—and your peace of mind.

Investing in Yourself with High-Quality Addiction Rehab Care

If you or someone you care deeply about requires counseling or inpatient rehab for drug or alcohol misuse, don’t let finances get in your way. 10 Acre Ranch men’s addiction rehab is one of best investments you will ever make—and one that delivers excellent returns in the form of restored health, relationships, and career opportunity.

Our team of admissions specialists works directly with your insurance company to maximize recovery benefits and advocate for you each step of the way. To learn more about how you can begin CA addiction treatment at 10 Acre Ranch, call our CA men’s rehab specialists: 877.228.4679.

Don’t Let Seasonal Affective Disorder Slow Down Your Recovery

young man feeling lonely during rainy season suffering from seasonal affective disorder

As the days grow shorter in the fall, do you find yourself withdrawing from normal activities? Do you feel weary, anxious, and disinterested? Do you find yourself craving carbs and overeating? Behavior like this may signal a type of depression known as Seasonal Affective Disorder. If you are pursuing recovery from drug or alcohol abuse, SAD can undermine your resolve and leave you in danger of relapse.

More than Just the Blahs!

Many people affected by SAD attribute their feelings to the “winter blahs.” However, SAD is a serious condition that is closely tied to depression and bi-polar disorder. Unless recognized and treated, it can take the joy out of sober living and lead to relapse.

Why this type of seasonal depression occurs is unclear, but scientists speculate that it may be due to changes in the body’s circadian rhythm, or to a drop in serotonin and melatonin levels.

Seek Treatment to Keep Your Recovery on Track

Once recognized, Seasonal Affective Disorder can be successfully treated with a variety of therapies:

  • High-intensity light therapy & natural sunlight
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Anti-depressant medication
  • Holistic practices like meditation & yoga
  • Physical exercise
  • Natural supplements

It is essential that an individual in recovery from drugs and alcohol recognizes the symptoms of SAD and gets treatment before a lack of focus and desire for a sober life derails recovery.

Dual-Diagnosis Treatment at 10 Acre Ranch

Recovery is a process with many pitfalls, but at 10 Acre Ranch, men 18 and older find the treatment and support they need to succeed. Our team of addiction specialists can develop an individual treatment program for you, even when there are mental health conditions present like depression or SAD. Are you ready to break out of your addiction? We can help. Call 877-228-4679 to learn more about dual-diagnosis treatment at our southern CA residential rehab facility. Or go online to submit a confidential contact form and verify insurance coverage.

Learn to Say No in Drug Rehab


When you’re in rehab, the word NO applies to more than drug and alcohol abstinence. It’s an important word to use as you create boundaries and learn to achieve life balance: the healthy type of balance we all need if we’re going to pursue a fulfilling life.

Stress Drives Addiction

You may have begun drinking or using drugs to run away from a life that was unmanageable. The stress of work, relationships, or finances can drive men of all ages to seek escape through substance abuse or other addictions. Now that you’ve sought help, it’s time to learn to say no—to drugs, alcohol, overcommitment, chronic busyness, and pressure to conform. Many of our clients find that when they learn to live more simply, it is easier to sustain sobriety and find joy in day-to-day circumstances.

Depending upon your unique situation, you may need to say “no” to:

  • Occupational stress. Whether you own your own business, climb the corporate ladder, work as a tradesman, or go to school full time, it’s important to remember that your time, energy, and resources are finite. You cannot take on every task—and you cannot please all people at all times. Prioritize what is mission critical, and consider delegating or turning down what you cannot manage. If saying “no” isn’t possible in your job position, you may even need to revamp your career to prioritize your health and sobriety.
  • Relationship stress. You’ve probably been advised to take a break from romantic dating relationships during active recovery. This is sound advice, since you need to conserve time and emotional energy to focus on rehab. The same holds true for other relationships that drain you or contribute to unhealthy stress. Talk with your counselor about how to manage old relationships, when to pursue new ones, and learn to love yourself in the meantime.
  • Negative, destructive thinking. When your thoughts are dominated by patterns of negativity and victimization, it’s tough to embrace emotional healing. To let go of these destructive thought processes, (1) see a counselor or addiction therapist regularly, (2) join a support group or 12-step group that will hold you accountable, and (3) find ways to serve. Volunteering helps you abandon your unhealthy self-focus and allows you to focus on the needs of others – even for a short time.

Holiday Stress & Saying NO

The holidays can be a particularly difficult time to simplify. Party invitations, gift purchases, and family commitments threaten to steal your joy, but 10 Acre Ranch can help. Our team of accredited addiction specialists provide life skills coaching, boundary training, and therapy sessions that help you say yes to the important things, and no to the stressors that can overcome you as you fight to stay sober. To learn more or find out about insurance coverage, call 877.228.4679 now.

Recovery & Running: Boost Your Spirits & Heal Your Body

photo of two men running

Everyone knows that running can be a great way to lose weight and stay in shape, if you are healthy enough to do it. But did you know that running is also a proven spirit booster? During the holidays, participating in a Turkey Trot or Thanksgiving Fun Run may be just what you need to relieve tension and enjoy a sober, but definitely not somber, social event.

Sure: You’re thinking about those sore muscles, pounding feet, and aching lungs, and wondering how that is supposed to lift your spirits. Surprisingly, once you catch your breath, rehydrate, and congratulate yourself and your neighbors on completing the race, you’ll realize you have much to be grateful for. Running is a natural stress reliever with a variety of physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits.

  • Running stimulates circulation and leads to better health, including improved brain health.
  • Have you ever experienced a runner’s high? Running is a safe, natural anti-depressant. In fact, when you run, the brain releases “pleasure chemicals,” like endorphins, that improve your mood.
  • Group runs are healthy social activities. In fact, these events usually include breakfast, lunch, or other social opportunities the whole family can participate in.
  • Regular running lowers blood pressure, keeps you toned, and improves your sleep.
  • Running leaves you with a positive outlook and more energy—ready to take on new challenges and enjoy your life in recovery.

Start Counting the Blessings of Recovery!

For men recovering from alcohol or drug abuse, the social rehab model at 10 Acre Ranch provides opportunities to develop new interests and participate in sports. We recognize that much of your time has been taken up by your addiction, and we help you find new friendships and interests to fill that time. Call 1.877.228.4679 to speak with our intake specialists about financing and insurance options. You, too, can begin your recovery journey today and start counting the blessings of a sober life.