Do Women React Differently Than Men to Meth?

Do Women React Differently Than Men to Meth

Do Women React Differently Than Men to Meth?

Do Women React Differently Than Men to MethMethamphetamine is one of the most popular drugs in the United States. In 2022, an estimated 176,000 Americans started using the drug. A further 1.8 million Americans, or 0.6% of the U.S. population qualified for a methamphetamine disorder. Today, that mostly means adults aged 26 or older, and almost half of these count as a severe substance use disorder. That data isn’t split by gender, but today we know that while men are more likely to abuse meth, women are just as likely to be addicted as men and are often more susceptible to cravings and addiction. That’s in part because of hormones and in part because of different societal pressures to use.

Women respond to, react to, and use methamphetamine differently than men. Yet, for many women, substance abuse treatment is the same as that designed for and delivered primarily to men. Understanding the differences and how women’s bodies and women’s lived social experiences mean different reactions to addictive substances like methamphetamine can help you to better understand treatment and what you need from it to recover.

Do Women Respond Differently to Meth than Men?

The short answer is, yes. Women respond differently to meth than men. However, the long answer is that there are a lot of factors that come into play including social upbringing, environmental factors, and hormones.

This means that treating substance use disorder has to tackle different problems.

  • Women are more vulnerable to addiction than men
  • Women are more vulnerable to relapse than men
  • Women progress to “addiction” faster than men
  • Women respond to treatment better than men
  • Women show fewer symptoms of cardiovascular and brain damage following meth usage
  • Women have different motivators to use and therefore require different treatment than men

While both men and women are negatively impacted by methamphetamine, the effects are different. Acknowledging and responding to those differences means creating treatment programs tailored around biology and lived experiences rather than handing everyone the same treatment programs.

Hormones and Greater Vulnerability to Addiction

Women show increased susceptibility to the effects of stimulants including cocaine and methamphetamine than men. Women are more likely to show a strong tendency towards cravings and addiction, with more vulnerability to the reward effects of stimulants.

That’s thought to be linked to estrogen, with multiple studies showing increased effects of methamphetamine and other stimulants during the estrogen producing period of the menstrual cycle. Women on progesterone-based birth control are also at increased risk, as progesterone may increase the reward or stimulating effects of methamphetamine, increasing cravings, and increasing the effect of the drug.

As a result, women are more vulnerable to addiction to begin with. Women move from the cycle of initiating methamphetamine usage to addiction faster than men. Women are also more likely to experience relapse even after getting treatment.

This also means that trans women are potentially especially vulnerable to methamphetamine reward and addiction. Anyone taking estrogen supplementation or hormonal supplementation is likely to see increased effects of methamphetamine and therefore to be more at risk of rapidly becoming addicted to the drug. That vulnerability is further exacerbated by low mental health and a strong tendency to use stimulants in the LGTBQ++ community.

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women are more resilient to Long-Term DamageMore Resilience to Long-Term Damage

Women using stimulants such as cocaine and methamphetamine are less likely to show abnormalities of blood flow, heart, and brain blood flow than men. They are also likely to show similar negative impacts to concentration, learning, and achievement – even when using methamphetamine for longer than men. The mechanism behind this resilience is poorly understood but may have something to do with hormonal changes.

However, that doesn’t mean women don’t experience damage from methamphetamine abuse. Women see significant reductions in gray matter volume when using meth. This reduces blood and oxygen levels in the brain and can reduce cognition, attention, memory, and emotional processing. Like with men, this damage is expected to heal after about 2 years of abstinence.

Different Motivators to Use

Women often report using methamphetamine and other substances for very different reasons than men. For example:

  • Women report significant rates of co-occurring depression when using methamphetamine. For some women, methamphetamine initiation is a tactic to manage depression while maintaining energy levels to continue household responsibilities. Methamphetamine is a stimulant and may be used to reduce side-effects and symptoms of low-mood and sleeplessness – or for self-medication. This means that treatment must involve treating the co-occurring disorder to prevent a relapse and a return to self-medication following treatment.
  • Women very often have roles related to caregiving and social support which they cannot easily step out of. As a result, women cite using methamphetamines to keep up with work, home care, childcare, and family responsibilities. With methamphetamine taking on an enabling role, treating methamphetamine use in women may not involve changing behaviors of avoidance but rather changing behaviors of taking on too much – which means a completely different treatment trajectory is needed.
  • Women face higher societal pressure to be thin and many women cite methamphetamine use as part of a weight loss strategy. This means that methamphetamine may reflect underlying eating disorders which must be treated as part of relapse prevention.
  • Women are significantly more likely to be dependent on a significant other because of children or lack of independence. This can mean that exposure to methamphetamine originates in a partner or spouse and that substance abuse is likely to be a shared activity in the relationship as well as a means of escaping from domestic trouble or violence. These motivators means that significant effort must be put in to provide domestic shelters, housing assistance, and childcare assistance as part of recovery efforts to ensure that women with childcare obligations are not forced to remain in situations that trigger and result in further methamphetamine abuse.

Women use drugs like methamphetamines for significantly different reasons than men. Often, that’s exacerbated by social issues, childcare, lack of independence, and roles in which they are the primary caregiver. Women need structural support including childcare, structural treatment for mental health disorders, and help finding and treating underlying problems and disorders.

Men often need this as well, but for different motivators and problems. Therefore, the approach has to be different if both are to receive a high quality of care.

Getting Help

If you or a loved one is struggling with methamphetamine, it’s important to actively look for help. That means talking to your doctor and reaching out to a rehab center for longer-term treatment and assistance. Here, choosing a treatment center with programs for women can offer significant advantages for recovery including better interventions tailored to the motivations and underlying problems faced by women. Programs made for women also take biology into account and the increased vulnerability to cravings and addiction as well as the role hormones play in both into account – meaning you’ll receive better and more targeted treatment.

At the same time, you may want to look for treatment centers offering childcare, family therapy, aftercare with housing assistance such as sober living, and outpatient care options to enable ongoing childcare. Meeting the needs of women in recovery should mean meeting lifestyle needs as well, so that you can feel safe in taking time to go to treatment because family and responsibilities are taken care of.

The Differences and Similarities Between Meth and Crack


The Differences and Similarities Between Meth and Crack

Various-colorful-pills-and-syringe-on-black-backgroundRecreational drug use is at an all-time high in the United States, with an estimated 48.7 million Americans struggling with a substance use disorder. Crack or crack cocaine and meth are two of the most common of those drugs, although both fall well behind opioids, sedatives, and tranquilizers like heroin, sleeping medication, prescription pain pills, and benzodiazepines in popularity. Crack and meth have many similarities on a surface level. For example, both are sold as “crystal” and both are called “rock” in some street language. And, both are often smoked using a glass pipe but can be injected. In fact, if you don’t know what you’re looking at, it can be difficult to tell the difference between the two when you catch someone using.

For many parents, crack was the concern when they were kids. Today, methamphetamine is the new drug of choice for kids, often because it’s accessible and cheap, rather than because it’s cheap. At the same time, it’s important to understand the differences, because both have different effects, different risks, and require different strategies to use safely.

What is Crack Cocaine?

Cocaine is a processed product from the coca plant, which is made by processing the leaves into a paste and then further processing it with ammonia to remove the pulp to create pure cocaine. Crack is cocaine that has been processed a third time with solvents to further remove any non-active ingredients, creating a hard, rock-like substance that is sold in chunks known as “rocks”. It’s also generally mixed with sodium bicarbonate, which allows it to be smoked at a lower temperature (cocaine doesn’t start to smoke until almost 400 degrees Fahrenheit, which also destroys the drug but bicarbonate smokes at 208 F, which doesn’t destroy the drug).

The result is a highly concentrated form of cocaine that offers a significant high and euphoria. Unlike cocaine, crack is also highly addictive. And, unlike cocaine, smoking it means it results in significant physical health risks including burns, damage to the lungs, tooth loss, and more. Cocaine also only lasts about 15 minutes, meaning that users frequently consistently pass a pipe around to stay high – resulting in increased risk of overdose and danger.

What is Meth?

Meth or “crystal meth” is an illicit drug that’s sold in a number of ways but most famously as crystals or “rock”. Methamphetamine is an amphetamine drug, similar to what you get if you buy Ritalin or Adderall. However, meth has more of the psychoactive amphetamine salt, meaning that it creates a more intense high, more euphoria, and more risks of side-effects.

Meth is typically made illicitly by distilling the active ingredients out of other products, such as cold and cough medicine. However, in other cases, it’s synthesized directly. In either case, the drug is typically sold as powder. In some cases, it’s solidified and sold as crystal meth, or dry rocks known as “rock”, “crystal” and sometimes “shatter” (although the latter is more often reserved for hash and concentrated THC products from marijuana.

Like crack, meth is a stimulant. However, it lasts 4-16 hours. In addition, it can be more noticeable than crack, as users may not sleep for the entire period they are high. For people who continue to smoke while high, that can mean periods of 32+ hours of being awake. Meth is also more common, with almost twice the number of regular users as crack cocaine.

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What are the Similarities Between Meth and Crack Cocaine?

Asian-men-are-drug-addicts-to-inject-heroin-into-their-veins-themselves.Flakka-drug-or-zombie-drug-is-dangerous-life-threatening,Thailand-no-to-drug-concept,The-bad-guy-drugs-in-the-desolateMeth and crack cocaine have a lot in common. For example, they are both stimulant drugs. This means that both impact the central nervous system causing a high, euphoria, and feelings of being powerful. People using crack or meth will show signs of hyperactivity, wakefulness, and restlessness. They might not be able to sit still, talk at a normal pace, or they might talk with nervous energy or jitters.

  • Crack – Users are likely to experience euphoria and a high, with paranoia, hallucinations, anger, psychosis, and some hostility or aggression towards others.
  • Meth – Users are likely to experience euphoria and a high with paranoia, hallucinations, anger, psychosis, and some aggression and hostility towards themselves and others.

Crack cocaine and meth are also both schedule II-controlled substances. This means that they’re both illegal to poses or use in the United States. They’re classified as dangerous, and addictive and it can be a crime to be caught with either drug in your possession.

Crystal meth can also look very similar to crack cocaine. However, “standard” meth is more likely to be sold as a powder.

As stimulant, both also have similar long-term effects. For example:

  • Cracked and blistered lips from smoking
  • Weight loss
  • Tooth decay
  • Paranoia and psychosis

A heavy crack user will look similar to a heavy meth user in many ways. Both also have similar overdose risks and similar risks of cardiovascular and heart failure.

  • Both can be smoked or injected
  • Both are often consumed from glass pipes
  • Both cause a euphoric high with nervous energy

What are the Differences Between Meth and Crack Cocaine?

Crack and meth are very different drugs. As a result, there will be many differences. However, you’ll most often notice them in how long the drug acts and what the long-term side-effects are. Here, meth mostly stands out by lasting for longer. Users are also less likely to sleep and more likely to start showing ticks and psychosis over time.

  • Meth lasts for up to 16 hours while crack only lasts for about 15 minutes
  • Meth tends to result in a more haggard appearance over time and weight loss may be more extreme – because it causes more loss of sleep
  • Meth highs tend to result in sugar and junk food binges
  • Meth tends to result in more symptoms of psychosis over time, meaning that individuals are more likely to twitch, show paranoia, and to show side-effects even when not high.

Eventually, both meth and crack cocaine are dangerous drugs that can result in mental and physical health problems including overdose, death, and addiction. Of the two, methamphetamine is more popular. Today, an estimated 1% of the population use meth. About 0.4% of the population use crack cocaine. Therefore, if you’re not sure, you can generally assume that methamphetamine is more than twice as common.

Getting Help

Both crack cocaine and meth are dangerous, addictive, and potentially deadly drugs. Both cause long-term side-effects to mental and physical health. And both can have markedly similar side-effects and risks. Eventually, if you or a loved one is using either, it’s important to realize that you are putting yourself at risk every time you use. Stepping back and looking into getting help, detox assistance for getting clean, and long-term support and rehab to help with substance abuse recovery can be an important step. Here, modern drug addiction treatment means counseling and behavioral therapy to help you identify the underlying causes behind substance abuse, to find coping mechanisms for cravings, and to build life-skills that allow you to navigate life in a happy and healthy way without drugs.

Meth and crack are both extremely dangerous and addictive drugs. If you’re using them, it’s important to talk to your doctor, get help if you need it, and make sure you’re doing everything you can to stay safe.

How to Tell if Someone is on Meth

thoughful man struggling from meth addiction

How to Tell if Someone is on Meth

thoughful man struggling from meth addictionIf you expect that a loved one is abusing methamphetamine, it can be difficult to verify. For example, most people won’t be truthful if you attempt to sit down and have a conversation. Instead, drug abusers lie, throw back accusations, and use deception, even to the point of deceiving themselves. Yet, some 2.5 million Americans use methamphetamine, and an estimated 1.6 million of those are addicted to the drug. With almost 1 in 100 Americans using meth, it’s not unlikely that your suspicions of drug abuse are founded on something – so you can look for symptoms and take steps to get your loved one help.

Importantly, if your loved one is abusing drugs, it’s important to be gentle, non-judgmental, and caring. That starts with your investigation into whether they’re using or not. Your loved one should always be treated as a person with an illness, not someone making bad decisions or someone deliberately doing the wrong thing. The more you use judgment and anger, the more likely it is that you’ll have trouble getting them into treatment.

In most cases, you can start with three basic things. Looking for symptoms of your loved one being high, looking at long-term side-effects of meth, and looking for paraphernalia and other signs of drug abuse.

Symptoms of Being High

Methamphetamine is a stimulant which rapidly acts on the body, resulting in increases in energy, alertness, motivation, and mania. Normally, these symptoms last for about 12 hours or more, with a defined “manic” period followed by a crash. Initially, people act like they are suddenly excited and full of energy, are agitated, breathe more heavily, and may have dilated pupils. These symptoms can kick in within 15 minutes of taking a dose and can result in a period of being agitated and energetic that lasts up to 36 hours. Afterwards, people tend to crash, sleeping for tens of hours at a time and sometimes for a full 24-hour period.

That after-effect or “Crash” also often comes with cold and flu symptoms like redness around the eyes, runny nose, fatigue, and depression. They might be unable to sleep, but while being tired. And, that will happen cyclically, every time they use and crash.

Of course, people with manic disorders tend to have similar symptoms, minus the cold and flu symptoms. That’s also problematic considering people with bipolar disorders tend to struggle with substance abuse. So, it can be much harder to notice methamphetamine use in someone who already has manic episodes.

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Understand the Symptoms of Long-Term Meth Abuse

sad woman struggling from meth addictionThe longer your loved one uses methamphetamine, the more noticeable the side-effects will be. Methamphetamine has a significant effect on users, with an estimated 18% of all users and up to 70% of regular users suffering from psychotic episodes and psychosis. Unfortunately, longer-term symptoms can be difficult to notice, because they often happen gradually. People don’t go from one state to the next but instead gradually slide into being worse and worse. You might look up one day to realize that your loved one is doing really badly, even if you’ve been seeing them every day.

That’s a natural result of being around someone everyday and gradual change. You just get used to it. But, if you notice the following symptoms affecting your loved one, they are symptoms of meth use.

  • They have difficulty feeling happy or showing happiness at things they used to like. They might just not be excited for anything or they might be “meh” at everything. This is known as emotional blunting and happens when serotonin and dopamine channels are overloaded and the brain stops or reduces producing both.
  • They have out of character periods of depression, which might last for weeks at a time. That’s especially true if the first few days of this always come with cold and flu symptoms. However, this could also be a symptom of bipolar disorder or depression.
  • They struggle to sleep or maintain a healthy sleeping schedule. For example, they might sleep for several days at a time and then not sleep for several days.
  • They start to show physical symptoms of meth use such as tooth decay, muscle tics, or jumps.
  • They start to be paranoid or irrational behavior and may think people are out to get them, may take hunches to extremes, and may jump at every shadow.
  • They might start to be more manipulative, even showing completely different personality traits. For example, they might deliberately lash out and try to hurt you. They might also deliberately try to manipulate you to feel bad so you stop asking questions. They might guilt trip you, lash out, or use righteous anger to make you feel bad. And while those reactions and behaviors can be justifiable in some circumstances, in others, they are not. People who are abusing methamphetamine will likely to start to use them indiscriminately to get what they want.
  • They lose a significant and worrying amount of weight, to the point where they look unhealthy. They might also lose hair and teeth if they lose enough weight. This can be difficult to tell, especially if they were overweight, but sudden and rapid weight loss without dramatically changing diet and exercise is unlikely without an illness or drug abuse.
  • They show symptoms of psychosis like hallucinations, talking about things that aren’t there, having trouble telling what’s real or not, itching or scratching at things crawling on their skin, having irrational beliefs, etc.
  • They show increases in aggression and irritability and may lash out at even small provocations.
  • They have memory problems and might not be able to clearly put an event together, even if it was a day or two ago.
  • They “tweak” or stay awake for extremely long periods, sometimes as long as 2 weeks, with agitated and jerky movement, extreme irrationality, and difficulty functioning.

Methamphetamine can be subtle in small doses. However, heavy abusers often change so drastically, physically and psychologically, that the people who love them barely recognize them. They can become aggressive, mean, paranoid, manipulative, and irritable. They might have memory problems, they might not show love or excitement for anything, and they might even look completely different. But, when that happens, your loved one is very obviously and very heavily addicted to meth.

Physical Signs

There are always going to be non-health and behavior related signs of drug use. Here, you can actively look for some of the following:

  • Paraphernalia such as glass pipes
  • Needles
  • Ropes or hoses
  • Unexplained blood
  • They constantly run out of money or things happen that require money
  • They manipulate you to get money
  • Things go missing or are stollen

sad man struggling from meth addiction

If you find drug use paraphernalia, it’s a pretty strong sign your loved one is using. That’s true even if they deny it or say that their friend was using and they did not.

Getting Help

Millions of Americans use stimulants like methamphetamine. Unfortunately, these drugs are never safe and run high risks of physical and psychological harm, with up to 70% of methamphetamine users experiencing significant psychosis. The sooner you quit, the less likely you are to have lifelong side effects and problems.

Unfortunately, it can be extremely difficult to talk someone into going to treatment and therapy. That can take time, building trust that you really want to help. And, it can mean convincing that person that life is better without meth.  Good luck getting your loved one into treatment.


If you or your loved-one struggles from alcoholism or other substance abuse please contact us today and speak with one of our experienced and professional intake advisors about our detox, partial hospitalization, and residential treatment programs. 10 Acre Ranch also has specialty tracks like our pet friendly drug rehab and couples substance abuse treatment programs. We’re here to help you recover.



Celebrity Drug Deaths 2022

Celebrity Drug Deaths 2022

Celebrity Drug Deaths 2022

Celebrity Drug Deaths 2022Most of us are well-aware of the lifestyles of the rich and famous and they glamorize drugs and alcohol. Yet, even people with wealth and access to the best medical care in the world suffer because of drug and alcohol abuse. While the numbers are unknown, celebrities struggle with drug addiction, mental health problems, and physical health problems as a result of substance abuse.

And, every year, with 99,017 people dying of alcohol-related causes, and in 2022, nearly 110,000 people died of drug-related causes including overdose. Celebrities are not immune, and in 2022, 5 well-known celebrities died as a result of drug abuse.

These tragedies are a stark reminder that even people with access to the safest drugs and the best medical care suffer as a result of drug abuse. And, if you or a loved one is using, it’s important to get help when you can and before it’s too late.

Celebrity Drug Deaths in 2022

In 2022, five well-known celebrities died of drug-related causes, most of which were fentanyl related. However, this list only includes individuals whose autopsy reports were publicized. This means there may be additional drug deaths which are not listed here – but their families have chosen to opt for privacy. There were also 5 celebrity deaths in 2021, 5 in 2020, and 3 in 2019.

Taylor Hawkins

FoosLondonStad220618-90 (41228811680)Foo Fighter’s Drummer Taylor Hawkins was announced dead on March 25th of 2022. An ambulance was called at his hotel after he complained of chest pains, but by the time emergency services arrived, Hawkins was unresponsive.

The toxicology report later revealed that Hawkins had taken a large number of prescription medications as well as THC. These included opioid pain pills, benzodiazepines, and antidepressants. His heart was also twice the expected size, following what doctors expressed as prolonged substance abuse. It is unknown if Hawkins had a prescription for his medications or not.

Hawkins died at the age of 50, leaving behind his wife and three children. His death rocked the music and entertainment industry, resulting in an outpouring of love, with memorials and tribute concerts in his honor.

Dwayne Haskins

Dwayne Haskins (31124904497) Dwayne Haskins, NFL Quarterback, died on April 9 of 2022, pronounced dead after being hit by a car while crossing a road under the influence. Haskins was driving to training in a rented vehicle when he ran out of gas. He stopped by the side of the road, called his wife, and then crossed the interstate where he was struck by a dump truck and died. His blood alcohol level at the time was .24 and he tested positive for ketamine. Haskins did not die as a direct result of drug use and drugs may not have contributed to his death. However, Haskins tragic death was under the influence and his crossing the interstate may have been influenced by ketamine usage.

Jamal Edwards

Jamal Edwards, 2019 Jamal Edwards, DJ and television platform owner, died in February of 2022 after a heart arrythmia. His sudden death was first reported as a heart attack – but toxicology reports later found that he had ingested significant quantities of cocaine prior to the arrythmia. His tragic death occurred in the middle of a project to reopen youth centers in London, using his platform of SB.TV and funding from Google to help kids turn to music and performance instead of drugs.

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Coolio at The Great GoogaMooga Festival (cropped)Artis Leon Ivey Jr., artistically known as Coolio, died on September 28 of 2022, following an overdose on fentanyl, heroin, and methamphetamine. The artist was found in a friend’s home in Los Angeles, on the bathroom door and was pronounced dead by the first responders. An investigation was opened, later showing the cause of death to be an overdose. The artist is most well-known for his single “Gangsta’s Paradise” but was in the middle of recording a new album at the time of his death.

Aaron Carter

Aaron Carter Performing at the Gramercy Theatre - Photo by Peter Dzubay (cropped 2) Aaron Carter, singer and teen-pop star, died in November of 2022 following an overdose and accidental drowning in his tub in Lancaster California. The 34-year-old was found by his housekeeper in the tub. It was later found that the singer had passed out after inhaling difluoroethane, an inhalant drug used for aerosols, and taking alprazolam, which he may have had a prescription for. His death was ruled as accidental – as he liked passed out because of the difluoroethane.

Stephan Bonnar

Stephan-bonnar-flickr-fight-launch American mixed martial artist Stephan Bonnar is most well-known for his UFC fights and wrestling. The wrestler died on December 22 of 2022. It was initially reported that he had died of a heart attack. However, the toxicology report showed that the 45-year-old had died of a fentanyl overdose. This followed multiple run-ins with the law including several DUIs. He left behind his wife and son.

Getting Help

man thinking about getting help from his addictionAnyone can be vulnerable to drug addiction. It doesn’t matter how well your life is going, drugs are addictive and can cause you to lose control when using them. That puts you at risk of mental health problems, physical health problems, and overdose. Like the celebrities on this list, you are always at risk of overdose and death when using drugs. Even “Safer” drugs like cocaine and ketamine can result in heart attacks, decision-making that leads to death, and organ damage that can cause significant long-term reductions to quality of life. And, with street drugs including pain pills and Xanax now containing traces of fentanyl, risks of overdose are higher than ever.

If you or someone you know is using drugs or alcohol, you are at risk of overdose. People often use to feel better, self-medicate, and to fit in. No matter what you’re using for, you can still lose control and you are still at risk. If you need help, it is there, and modern rehab and substance use disorder treatment works to help you uncover the underlying causes behind substance abuse so you can improve quality of life, improve how you cope with things, and work to build skills and strategies to make your life better. The goal of recovery is not to get your old life back but to build a new one where you don’t need drugs.

If you or your loved-one struggles from alcoholism or other substance abuse please contact us today and speak with one of our experienced and professional intake advisors about our detox, partial hospitalization, and residential treatment programs. 10 Acre Ranch also has specialty tracks like our pet friendly drug rehab and couples substance abuse treatment programs. We’re here to help you recover.

Adderall vs Meth – What’s the Difference?

Adderall vs Meth - What’s the Difference

Adderall vs Meth - What’s the Difference?

Adderall vs Meth - What’s the DifferenceAmphetamines are one of the most common drugs in the United States. In fact, in 2021, Americans had some 41.4 million prescriptions for prescription and generic Adderall. That number of prescriptions is at an all time high, up 10% from 2020, and up almost 10 million from 2017. Adderall is also famous as being “just like meth”, and if you or a loved one is using it, you probably have concerns.

However, Adderall and Methamphetamine are very different blends of the same substances. Adderall is a mix of amphetamine salts. It’s identical to Mydayis and a number of generic drugs, which are mostly used to treat ADD, ADHD, and other attention disorders. But, as it’s made up of two of the active ingredients in Methamphetamine, the effects at very high doses can be quite similar. And vice-versa. Methamphetamine is sometimes used to treat ADD.

Today, the widespread availability of Adderall has led to its being abused in recreational settings. People use it as a study drug, with some 4.4% of `12th graders admitting to doing so. Others inject it, looking for the same highs as with methamphetamine. And, some 3.7 million people abuse prescription stimulants like Adderall each year.

What are the Differences Between Adderall and Methamphetamine?

Amphetamines are all remarkably similar drugs and Adderall and Methamphetamine are both amphetamines. This class of drug is made up of active ingredients known as “amphetamine salts”. Here, dextroamphetamine and levoamphetamine are the two most common of these salts. Each of these two salts has a different reaction in the brain, meaning that different amounts of each can produce remarkably different results.

Adderall – Adderall is a 3:1 mix of dextroamphetamine and levoamphetamine. This mix is used in Myadis, Adderall, and Adderall RX, as well as generic versions of each of these drugs. It also balances the effects of each to produce a profile that is tilted towards increasing focus and attention. The effects of amphetamine drugs like Dexedrine and Evekeo, which only use dextroamphetamine, are markedly different. However, that’s not the only difference. All authentic Adderall is made in a lab, under regulated conditions, and packaged in regulated doses of 5-30mg. These pills contain regulated inactive ingredients, most of which are cellulose or sugars or salts. With Adderall, providing you buy authentic pills, you always know what you’re getting and that the other ingredients are safe.

Methamphetamine – Methamphetamine is a 1:1 mix of dextroamphetamine and levoamphetamine. The higher dose of levoamphetamine adds increased impacts to wakefullness, concentration, decreased appetite, decreased fatigue, and weight loss. For this reason, levoamphetamine is sometimes sold as a narcolepsy treatment. Levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine was also commonly used in nasal decongestants, such as Vicks and Robitussin, meaning that drug-dealers could simply purchase over-the-counter cold medicine, distill it down, and have methamphetamine. Today, these drugs are much more likely to be manufactured separately. They can often be sold as “Adderall” except the pills are made somewhere other than a lab, without regulation, and dosage may vary significantly. In addition, many are made with fentanyl, an opioid with 100 times the strength of morphine, because it’s cheaper.

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woman holding a glass of water taking adderall as medicineDosage – Every Adderall pill contains 25% Dextroamphetamine Saccharate, 25% Amphetamine Aspartate Monohydrate, 25% Dextroamphetamine Sulfate, and 25% Amphetamine Sulfate, with cellulose and salt fillers to increase the size of the pill. A methamphetamine dose is neither predictable nor guaranteed not to contain fillers like chalk or baby powder.

Salt Mix – Methamphetamine is a 1:1 mix of dextroamphetamine and levoamphetamine. Adderall is a 3:1 mix of dextroamphetamine and levoamphetamine. Because levoamphetamine is considered to produce more euphoric results, methamphetamine is easier to abuse.

Safety – Adderall is regulated, produced in clean labs, and uses safe fillers. Methamphetamine and fake Adderall pills don’t have that safety guarantee. However, no abuse of an amphetamine is “safe”, it’s just safer to use a drug that you know doesn’t contain toxic additives, other drugs, or a higher dose than expected.

What are the Effects of Amphetamines?

Amphetamines are “uppers” or “stimulants” which affect the central nervous system. Here, amphetamines affect the central nervous system, dopamine neurotransmitters, and norepinephrine transmitters. Someone taking the drug feels increases in confidence, wakefulness, focus, and attention. Dopamine affects normally result in the person having more motivation to complete tasks, and therefore more ability to focus on them. It also increases body temperature and heart rate, increasing feelings of energy and wakefulness. In high doses, increases in dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain can cause feelings of power, confidence, and even euphoria, making amphetamines extremely popular party drugs.

Of course, those same effects can result in very negative side effects.

Heart Problems – Long-term use of amphetamines in high doses stresses the heart, and can result in heart problems. Someone with a weak heart can have a heart attack.

Exhaustion – People who don’t feel tired don’t rest, and as a result, meth users can stay awake for days. The result is normally crashing for several days at a time when the high wears off. This increases risks of stress and heart attack.

Reduced Dopamine Production – The brain reduces dopamine production to cope with high amounts of dopamine in the brain. The result is that someone who frequently uses amphetamines may feel blunted or unable to feel emotions or motivation when not using.

Paranoia – Increases in dopamine and norepinephrine can cause increases in anxiety, paranoia, and psychosis. Heavy users typically become extremely paranoid and may scratch at the skin, believing insects or bugs to be crawling there. However, some people can experience visual hallucinations at even small doses, meaning this drug is never safe to take without medical supervision.

Is Adderall Safe?

More than 40 million Americans have an Adderall prescription, which they use to manage attention disorders. Adderall is an extremely useful drug, which can help people to go about their lives, to go to work, and to focus on school, their careers, and their hobbies. It’s safe to take while you take it in accordance with a prescription. However, even with prescription usage, many people experience withdrawal symptoms when quitting.

On the other hand, Adderall is never safe to take without a prescription. Having medical monitoring is important to ensure there are no negative side-effects, like paranoia, muscle twitches, or addiction. In addition, if you’re sourcing Adderall illegally, you’re exposed to dangerous fake versions of the pills, which may be contaminated with other drugs, which may be contaminated with toxic filler agents, and which may be significantly higher in dose than you expect. In addition, taking too much Adderall can cause significant symptoms of toxicity. People who use large doses of Adderall see constant cold and flu symptoms, muscle shakes, sweating, mood swings, weight loss, loss of interest in relationships and hobbies, and increasing paranoia and anxiety.

There are differences between Adderall and Methamphetamine highs. However, when taken in high doses, those differences vanish and the effects are much the same. Adderall is somewhat safer because it’s unlikely to be contaminated and very likely to be a standardized dose. However, abusing any amphetamine is unsafe, simply because the drug is not safe to use in large doses.

If you or a loved one is struggling, it’s important to reach out and get help. Drug addiction treatment and behavioral therapy can help you to tackle the underlying causes behind drug abuse and to find better coping mechanisms.

If you or your loved-one struggles from alcoholism or other substance abuse please contact us today and speak with one of our experienced and professional intake advisors about our detox, partial hospitalization, and residential treatment programs. 10 Acre Ranch also has specialty tracks like our pet friendly drug rehab and couples substance abuse treatment programs. We’re here to help you recover.

The Truth About Meth Addiction Recovery

What is the truth about meth addiction recovery

The sad truth about methamphetamine is that it is a highly addictive drug that is difficult to recover from. Meth is so addictive because it produces a euphoric feeling, increased energy, and alertness. However, it also speeds up the body’s systems and changes how the brain functions. Chronic meth use can cause permanent damage to both the body and the brain. It is these changes to the brain that make meth addiction recovery so complex. Complex doesn’t have to mean impossible, though; people do recover from meth addiction.  At 10 Acre Ranch, we understand how hard it is to recover from meth addiction, but we also know how to set you up for success to do just that.  

Steps to Be Taken to Pursue Meth Addiction Recovery

The first step in recovering from any addiction is to admit that you have a problem. If you don’t think you are addicted to meth, it doesn’t matter if your parents, partner, or friends think you are. Accepting that you have an addiction and wanting help are the cornerstones of meth addiction recovery. You have to want it. 

Once you decide to get sober, the next step is finding a treatment center. Do some research and make sure that the facility you choose has expertise with meth addiction. Not all addictions are the same, and you want to know that those helping you are experienced with helping people break free from your drug of choice. Researchers have found that behavioral therapies are the most effective treatments for meth addiction recovery. You’ll want a treatment program that employs experienced, professional staff that relies on evidence-based strategies for treating your addiction. Researchers have also found that a combination of interventions is most effective. Interventions might include behavioral therapy, family education, individual counseling, peer support recovery groups, drug testing, and more. 

Meth addiction recovery isn’t just about taking away the meth; it’s also about adding new activities and new tools. Your life has likely become all about finding and using meth. Once you remove the drug use, you’ll find that you have a great deal of free time. Boredom is the enemy of the addict, especially in early recovery. Therefore, you’ll want to find things to do. Perhaps there is a hobby you had before you found meth or one you’ve always wanted to try. Maybe it’s time to find a part-time or full-time job. It may just be reconnecting with the family and friends that you lost while using. Whatever it is, look for things that keep you engaged with life without meth. 

Treatment for your addiction doesn’t necessarily end when you leave rehab. Attending peer support recovery groups is not only a way to continue doing the work of recovery. It is also another way to help keep yourself occupied. When your rehab treatment is complete, attending aftercare enables you to test out the skills you will have learned in rehab. The early days of recovery can be incredibly challenging, and you may feel more vulnerable when you first leave rehab. Aftercare allows you to have an additional layer of support while you are in the early days.  

Benefits of Going to 10 Acre Ranch for Rehab

At 10 Acre Ranch, we’ve been providing Southern California with expert addiction treatment for nearly three decades.  Our mission is to rebuild lives, restore families, and improve communities. We are one of the leading rehab facilities in California and offer a wide range of programs that will meet your needs.  We are experts in helping people safely detox and stop using meth.  We provide a warm and welcoming environment where we integrate the treatment to heal the whole person. We are committed to helping you break free from active addiction and build a life in recovery.  Contact us today and let us help you with your addiction!