Does Insurance Pay for Couples Drug Rehab?

a lovely couple in treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab center in riverside california

Does Insurance Pay for Couples Drug Rehab?

a lovely couple in treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab center in riverside californiaIf you and your partner are struggling with substance abuse, rehab is an important step in recovery. Rehabilitation or substance abuse treatment services use therapy, counseling, and complementary skills like emotional management, building coping skills, stress management, and building healthy routines to help people overcome not just their substance abuse but also the underlying problems that resulted in it in the first place. If you’re with a partner who also has problems, getting couples drug rehab means you go together and often receive relationship and family therapy alongside drug addiction treatment to ensure you can rebuild your relationship on a healthy basis.

At the same time, drug addiction treatment is expensive. You want your insurance to pay for as much of it as-is possible. The question is, does your insurance pay for couple’s drug rehab? The answer is; that depends. We’ll go over the factors involved and how you can work to ensure you’re getting coverage for your program of choice – and what you need to do to ensure you get that coverage to begin with.

Your Insurance Covers Rehab

Your insurance plan is required to cover drug and alcohol abuse treatment. That’s the law under the Affordable Care Act (better known as Obamacare). You are legally entitled to rehabilitation or substance abuse treatment care under Federal law. This means that your insurance plan covers rehab. However, coverage offered can vary significantly per plan.

The good news is that, no matter what, you’ll get some coverage for your drug rehab. If you take a quick look at your plan, you’ll also see roughly what is covered. Usually you can expect 40-90% coverage depending on plan, although many providers have caps and custom options for inpatient treatment. Increasingly, insurance plans are rolling rehab under general clinic visits or specialty care, which means it might not always be straightforward to find rehab or substance abuse treatment on your plan. If you’re not sure, you can always call your provider for straightforward answers. That will also help you figure out if you have to go through a provider-sponsored treatment plan or assessment before you can get help – as some plans do require this.

What Your Insurance Plan(s) Cover

Insurance plans cover different things depending on the plan. Often, that’s equitable to the physical health coverage you have. For example, with a bronze plan you can normally expect to cover about 60% of total costs yourself and with a platinum plan that drops down to about 10% of total costs. That should remain roughly equivalent no matter what kind of treatment you’re looking for. Therefore, many insurance plans won’t care too much what kind of treatment you start, providing you pay the associated costs.

marriage counselling at a drug rehab center in southern californiaYou’ll want to look at:

  • What type of treatment is covered. E.g., inpatient or outpatient? Some plans require you complete an outpatient program before it will pay for an inpatient program
  • Some plans have deductibles per day some plans have deductibles per treatment type
  • Maximum coverage
  • Maximum covered
  • If deductibles change for inpatient vs outpatient care

For example, if you have a bronze plan, chances are very high that your insurance plan will attempt to cover the bare minimum. This means you might not get coverage for extras like couples’ rehab, unless that’s explicitly incorporated into mental health treatment and coverage.

You’ll also want to check whether:

  • You both have the same insurance plan. If you’re both on the same plan, it will be easier to align treatment and get joint coverage. If you’re not, it may be much harder to do so.
  • If you have different plans, your providers may work with a different network, which means it will be basically impossible to both get coverage from the same organization
  • Couples rehab may be treated as “joint” therapy or as individual therapy for two people and the difference will matter a lot depending on your rehab program

Essentially, if you have to align two separate insurance plans, you may have more trouble getting insurance coverage. However, if you’re on a family plan together, it may be much easier.

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What Your Doctor(s) Recommend

a doctor's recommendationIt’s always important to start out any visit to rehab with a trip to your doctor. This is important because you’ll need a doctor’s recommendation into treatment in order to get coverage for your rehab at all. Here, you’ll also want your doctor to specifically recommend couples rehab to you. This will greatly increase your chances that the rehab center covers the treatment without making a fuss.

In most cases, if you can present your doctor with a case as to why you want couples’ rehab, your doctor will be more than happy to recommend it. Those reasons can be as simple as:

  • We want to learn how to support each other in staying clean and sober
  • We want to undo the harm of substance abuse on our relationship and that means getting help together and getting family therapy alongside substance abuse treatment
  • It’s important that we have perspective on the treatment the other has received so that we can live with and work with that in a healthy way after treatment

Essentially, there are plenty of reasons why couples drug rehab can be beneficial over both of you going to separate programs or even both of you going to the same program with no extra support for couples. Talking to your consultant about it and then taking that discussion to your doctor can mean you very easily get a recommendation into that treatment from your doctor. That’s also important because, without that recommendation, your insurance may not offer coverage.

Will Everything Be Covered?

Almost no insurance provider will cover every part of rehab. If you’re going to an inpatient program, you can expect higher deductibles, limits on coverage, and reduced coverage. If you’re going to an outpatient program, you can expect relatively low deductibles and copays. However, in most cases, you can expect a maximum coverage of about 90% even with the best plans. Basic plans usually won’t cover more than about 40% of your treatment – although that does vary quite a bit. The best option is to look at your plan, see what it covers, and figure out what your best option is within your insurance plan and budget.

Confronting your mutual substance abuse can be difficult. Sharing the burden, learning how to be better together, and learning how to support each other in that can be a powerful part of recovery. Getting couples rehab can very much be the right choice for many of us. Hopefully, you can easily get that treatment without worrying too much about what your insurance provider covers. However, the fastest and easiest solution is always to call your insurance provider, ask what their options are, and take steps from there. Chances are very high that a significant portion of your couples therapy will be covered by your insurance. Good luck getting treatment.

How to Go to Rehab and Keep Your Job

an employee with issues at work

How to Go to Rehab and Keep Your Job

an employee with issues at workStruggling with drugs or alcohol can ruin your life. For most of us, the only way to stop the cycle of relying on substances is to take a break and go to rehab. And, while some 42.3 million Americans qualify as having a substance use disorder, only about 11% of those ever seek out rehab. Here, barriers like careers, family care, stigma, and funding clinical care can call get in the way. That’s especially true if you’re a professional with a reputation to uphold, where you might feel that calling in sick for a month to deal with a substance use disorder will get you fired.

Fortunately, the United States has a lot of law in place to protect you when you do seek out rehab. In addition, you’ll have the option to attend rehab without quitting work – which means you’ll never have to take time off. The following article reviews your options, and which might be a best-fit for your circumstances.

Consider Your Options

Most people think of rehab and immediately consider an inpatient clinic, where you stay for 30+ days to receive round-the-clock care. That’s one way to get treatment. However, you can also opt for outpatient care.

Inpatient Care – 30+ days at a rehab clinic, typically out of state where you’ll have privacy. Costs are high and only about 15-20% is covered by most insurance programs. However, you get one-on-one care, a break from stress and triggers, and the ability to fully focus on recovery. This option is often recommended for people with severe addictions.

Intensive Outpatient Care – Intensive Outpatient Care or IOP allows you to attend rehab for a few hours a day, after work, so you can continue going to work for the duration. This option allows you to avoid asking for time off, so you don’t have to tell your boss anything. In addition, outpatient care can be as effective as inpatient care – providing you stick to it and attend throughout the whole program. IOP also means you’ll stay in the same environment as before – which means that if you frequently drink or use at work, it may not be the best option for you. However, you can pair outpatient treatment with staying in a sober home for maximum support and a change of lifestyle, without having a gap in work.

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You’re Legally Protected

human resource discusses Sick leave the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Affordable Care Act to an employeeWhile you might not want to take a 30-day break from work, you are legally protected. Sick leave, the Family and Medical Leave Act, and the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) all mean you are protected in case you seek out medical care for rehab. The ACA classifies substance use disorders as a temporary disability – firing you because of one is against the law. Of course, if you’ve explicitly signed away those rights or your employer catches you using on the job, that’s another story. The FMLA also allows you to take up to 12 weeks of free time for an undisclosed medical reason – with nothing more than a doctor’s note that doesn’t have to say what you’re taking the time off for.

Coincidentally, if your employer has over 50 employees, they’re also legally obligated to offer assistance and insurance covering rehab. This means you can go to HR, discuss your problems with substance abuse, and have them help you move into a program. You might not want to do so, as it may impact your reputation or your long-term standing in the company because stigma does still exist, but you do have the right.

In addition, Obamacare and FMLA both allow you to apply for short-term disability through your employer. You’ll have to request medical leave, sit through decisions, and possibly fight them. However, you don’t have to reveal why you’re requesting leave or temporary disability. It’s up to your medical professionals to determine if you need it, not your employer.

Keep in Mind that Disclosure Isn’t Required

If you’re afraid you’ll lose your job or reputation at your job for going to rehab, you don’t have to disclose. You never have to tell your employer why you’re taking sick or medical leave of any kind. In addition, if you’re going to rehab in the weekends or at night, you can keep this to yourself. You never have to tell your employer what goes on in your personal life. In fact, if they ask, you can report them to the U.S. Department of Labor.

Of course, your employer may be able to help. Many offer assistance with rehab, can offer ongoing rehabilitation programs, can offer financial assistance, etc.

However, whether or not you disclose is up to you and the amount of privacy you need.

employee getting help for her addiction treatmentIn Summary

If you’re struggling with drugs and alcohol, getting help is the best thing you can do for your future – with or without your job. But there’s no reason why you can’t go to rehab and keep your job.

What if I Can’t Take Time Off Work?

You definitely can take time off work. You’re legally protected by FMLA, which allows you up to 12 weeks of unpaid time off. If you stack that with sick days, you can likely limit that to about 3 weeks of unpaid time off. Your employer isn’t legally allowed to fire you for doing so.

What if I Can’t Afford Unpaid Time Off Work?

You can always take the route of going to an intensive outpatient rehab center. This allows you to go to work during the day and attend rehab at night or during the weekends. These programs are typically 3-6 hours per day – so your life will be busy. However, you will get the care you need without taking unpaid time off work. And, if you mix IOP with a sober living home, you can get most of the benefits of inpatient care without taking off work. Alternatively, you could apply for FMLA and temporary disability to ensure you receive some money to make up for the missed paychecks. However, this process can be quite lengthy.

If you or a loved one is struggling, there are always options. Whether that’s taking the hit and taking unpaid time off work or committing to a busy month and going to therapy while you work, you can mix rehab and your job. Most importantly, your employer isn’t allowed to fire you for getting treatment for a substance use disorder, even if you disclose that disorder to them.

If you or your loved-one struggles from alcoholism or other substance abuse please contact us today and speak with one of our experienced and professional intake advisors about our detox, partial hospitalization, and residential treatment programs. 10 Acre Ranch also has specialty tracks like our pet friendly drug rehab and couples substance abuse treatment programs. We’re here to help you recover.

Taking Control of Your Financial Health During Addiction Recovery

photo of a man writing on a paper creating financial plan

Addiction takes a toll on virtually every part of the addict’s life – often contributing to behavioral health issues like depression and anxiety, physical problems including insomnia and fatigue – and it can wreak havoc on personal relationships too.

A life of addiction can also cause financial difficulties. If you have been completely absorbed in using and abusing drugs and alcohol, you may have let important financial issues like paying bills on time go by the wayside. Embracing a life of sobriety is an opportunity to heal every aspect of your life – including your financial health too.

Though, you don’t have be a professional financial planner to make substantial changes today that can help you build a solid financial future.

3 Tips for Repairing Your Financial Health

  1. Start small. It may seem overwhelming at first if you are dealing with financial hardships, but the key is to start tackling the simple tasks first. Make a list of your recurring bills and their due dates so you can start paying your bills on time to protect your credit score. If you’ve had trouble remembering what bills are due and when, consider adding a reminder on your phone that alerts you two or three days in advance of the due date.
  2. Rein in credit card spending. It’s common for those dealing with addiction to make impulsive purchasing decisions to fund their lifestyle. If you do have credit cards, make an inventory of your current balances and make a plan for paying off your debts. You may even be able to lower your interest rates by simply contacting your creditors to see if you can quality for more attractive terms.
  3. Make a budget and track your spending. The simple act of creating a budget and monitoring your progress towards your financial goals can be incredibly empowering. And, there are wide range of planning tools available to you online. With sites like (which provide basic services for free), you can easily create a monthly budget to allocate how you want to spend your money and many also even offer free credit reporting monitoring so you can track your progress.

Addiction recovery isn’t easy. But, it can offer an opportunity for you to spend more time and energy focusing on rebuilding your life – physically and mentally – while creating a brighter economic future.

Looking for Help Overcoming a Life of Addiction?

10 Acre Ranch is licensed by California’s Department of Health Care Services and offers residential, and partial residential programs for drug and alcohol addiction. To tour our facility or discuss alcohol rehab for yourself or a loved one, dial (877) 228-4679 or submit a confidential online inquiry today.