Help for an addicted loved-one
Let’s Help Your Loved-One Recover.
Helping Southern California Recover
10 Acre Ranch is widely recognized as a center where some of the most difficult addiction cases finally achieved long-term sobriety. We facilitate our ‘social model‘ of treatment in a serene and monitored setting, creating an environment in which men, and now women, will not use drugs while collectively working on their sobriety, laying the groundwork for lasting change.
But what if your family member or friend doesn’t want to go to treatment at a drug rehabilitation center, or simply refuses to admit there is a problem? This is one of the most confounding problems facing families struggling to find help for an addicted loved one.

The Good News
It is common amongst mentally and physically addicted users to deny that an addiction exists. These people often believe they can actually stop at any time, or tell themselves they don’t want to stop. The good news is there is a well-worn path to getting help for your loved one.
Addiction causes changes in brain chemistry that trick the user into subconsciously believing that using drugs is almost a matter of life or death. This adjustment in their perceived reality may have caused your son, husband, uncle, or father to behave like someone that you don’t even recognize.
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Professional Help is the Answer
As bewildering as addiction can be to the affected family, it actually follows very predictable patterns that allow a trained addiction professional to effectively help the family in need.
An addiction counselor (or an interventionist) can assess the situation by utilizing their training and the advances in the field of addiction treatment made in recent decades; this reflects the predictability of addiction.
A trained counselor or interventionist will ask you questions like:
- What are the drugs being used (and how much/often)?
- Where does the family member get drugs and how do they have money for them?
- What is the history of treatment (if any)?
- Is there a history of addiction in the family?
- Is there a history of mental health issues (ie depression, PTSD, anxiety)?
Preparing to answer these questions as best you can will provide a foundation for getting the appropriate help.
The Intervention
This is where the role of an interventionist can be so critical. An interventionist analyzes the entire family system and creates a game plan to confront and persuade, in a caring way, the man who needs help.
During the intervention, the family will state their love for the man, their concern about his drug abuse, and compel him to accept treatment. Also, they will set boundaries and make a commitment to stop certain behaviors if he doesn’t get help for his addiction. It is possible that members of the family are unwittingly exacerbating the abuse by enabling it in some manner (i.e., providing money or shelter to the individual, reducing the consequences they may need to face in order to embrace change).

As you may have gathered from the list of questions above, the counselor or interventionist will be probing for these underlying complications in the planning phase.
Not every intervention leads to the man immediately accepting help
This does not mean the intervention was unsuccessful — the follow up afterward is equally important. An intervention, whether it results in an immediate entry into treatment or not, is part of the process of getting help.
It is a milestone on the addicted individual’s path to recovery.
Asking for Help
One of the most frustrating aspects of dedicating ourselves to the healing of men and women struggling with addiction is that there are so many families that we never get an opportunity to help.
These are the families you read about every day in the news whose son, brother, or husband has suffered a permanent life-altering complication because of their drug use; it might be a deadly DUI crash or a felony robbery charge. More commonly men are overdosing on opiates, an epidemic that has become our nation’s most pressing health crisis.

Why Families Hesitate to Seek Help for Addiction
It is understandable why a family often does not seek the help they need. The onset of full-blown addiction is gradual. The invisible line separating recreational use, abuse and addiction are easy to miss.
A common refrain is that you cannot help someone who does not want to be helped. This is a dangerous point of view to take. Your loved one is in need of help — there is too much at stake to wait for them to hit rock bottom.
What separates the families who get help and see their loved one recover is often that someone simply had the courage to pick up the phone and ask for help. That person can be you and the time can be right now.
Get Help Today
If you are reading this, we are certain you have ample reason to call our facility. We urge you to do so to begin the healing process.
Remember, Addiction is:
- Progressive
- Deadly (particularly opiate drug use)
- Destructive to relationships
- Capable of causing legal problems
We are Here for You & Your Loved-One at 10 Acre Ranch in Southern California
Our center has been helping men, and now women, achieve and maintain sobriety for over 15 years. We’ve received countless calls from families in the exact situation that you are — desperate to help a loved one.
When you call us, we will assess your situation, provide treatment options and, if appropriate, make arrangements for the man to enter treatment at our center. If he is unwilling, we will provide alternatives, including referring you to one of the excellent interventionists in our network.

There is a lot at stake if you have a loved one who is abusing drugs or alcohol. The problem will not go away by itself and there is no downside in asking for help. Call us today at 866-274-9892.

Your path to recovery starts here
Our expert & caring staff on site are available 24/7. Call us today.
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