Don’t Let Stress Hurt Your Sobriety

photo of a stressed woman sitting on the sofa

Failed relationships, family conflicts, financial trouble, job competition or loss, health concerns – these are just a few of the many stressors that you’ll likely deal with in life. Unfortunately, stress is inevitable – and uncontrolled stress can have a serious impact on your overall health as well as your path toward sobriety.

Stress may even have contributed to your addiction in the first place. Many men try to self-medicate their stress or poor mental health with illicit drugs, binge drinking or promiscuous sexual acts. Of course, this tends to backfire and cause a vicious circle. These dangerous behaviors actually cause more stress. What’s more, stress is the leading cause of relapse, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Men under stress are also more likely than women to be diagnosed with the following health concerns:

  • High blood pressure
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Heart attack

Stress-Busting Tips for Men
Luckily, a few steps can help tame those tensions and keep you calm. Start with these three:

Surround yourself with people who “get” you. Peer support can be a powerful stress reliever. At 10 Acre Ranch, our social treatment model facilitates fellowship and fun as clients support one another throughout the recovery process. Clients live together, prep meals together and attend support group sessions.

Find a healthy escape. It’s okay to take a time-out from daily life and push your stressors aside as you enjoy healthy recreation. Taking up a new sport or activity can be a hugely effective way of fighting off bad habits. Maybe joining something like a tennis league could be a great way to let off some extra steam. At 10 Acre, fun is a big part of our rehab. Clients participate in a variety of off-site activities, including:

  • Pizza and movie night
  • Hikes and nature walks
  • Softball tournaments
  • Swimming and ping pong

Make time to meditate. Meditation has been study-proven to reduce stress, blood pressure and fatigue. Our daily mediation sessions help our male clients begin the day with a quiet, open mind. You’ll learn to calm anxiety and tension with slow, focused breathing.

Stress Management at 10 Acre
Developing healthy stress relievers improves wellbeing and hastens recovery success. At 10 Ace Ranch, we offer stress management groups to help manage your anxiety without addictive substances and/or behaviors. To learn more, call today: 877-228-4679.

Eating Right for Recovery

a photo of a beautiful woman eating healthy foods

Eating healthy is important for everyone, but it’s especially crucial if you or someone you love is recovering from addiction. Drug and alcohol abuse robs your body of necessary nutrients, leaving the liver and other organs compromised while battling harmful toxins. In addition, many people with substance use disorder are malnourished by the time they seek help. This is in part because they don’t eat or don’t eat properly — so wrapped up in finding their next “fix” that a healthful diet just isn’t on their radar.

Proper nutrition is a vital part of healthy rehabilitation. Some of the many benefits include:
• Managing withdrawal symptoms
• Restoring physical health
• Supporting the neurological system
• Dealing with co-occurring mental health conditions like depression and anxiety

At 10 Acre Ranch, we know that eating right is often easier said than done. Fitting all of those nutrients into your diet can be overwhelming. To simplify the process, we include nutritional meal prep as part of your overall rehab. We help clients avoid sugar- and salt-laden foods and instead focus on protein, quality carbs, probiotics, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. In addition, clients take turns prepping and serving well-balanced meals to one another.

Some key nutrients for recovery include:

  • Vitamin D: Crucial to bone, skin, and mental health; it’s been shown to improve levels of the feel-good neurotransmitter serotonin.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Boost your mood
  • Protein: Gives you energy and helps repair damaged cells
  • Fiber: Helps aid digestion
  • Vitamin C: a natural antioxidant and also study-proven to aid in the detoxification of heroin and methadone by abating painful withdrawal symptoms
  • Vitamin B or Thiamin: renowned for boosting the immune system and maintaining a positive attitude; it also increases energy, fights stress and improves your learning ability.

Nutritional Help at 10 Acre Ranch
A wide range of supportive programs are offered at the Ranch, including nutritional counseling and meal preparation. Visit with our staff today to explore how 10 Acre Ranch’s economical, customized residential and outpatient programs can help you live a healthy, productive, addiction-free life! To learn more, call: 877-228-4679.

Detox: Discover Four Strategies for Optimal Sleep

photo of a woman having trouble with sleeping

Detox. For individuals recovering from an addiction to pain medication, opiates or alcohol, the process is critical. Yet, it can often cause uncomfortable side effects such as insomnia. Restlessness, the inability to remain asleep and other sleep disturbances are common as the body readjusts to healthy levels of body, mind, and spirit during detox.

The good news is that these symptoms typically diminish over time during detox and eventually healthy sleep routines return.

During the process of detoxification, there are proven strategies you can employ to reduce the length and severity of symptoms associated with sleep disorders.

Using these four healthy sleep habits, you can get the rest you need on your journey to better health.

  1. Commit to a regular schedule.

It may seem tempting to sleep in on the weekend, but don’t. You can actually increase your risk of experiencing episodes of poor sleep. Set your alarm clock for the same time each morning (and don’t hit snooze!) and make going to bed at the same time each evening a healthy habit.

  1. Hit the gym.

According to research published by the National Sleep Foundation, 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity a week provided a 65 percent improvement in sleep quality. Why? Studies suggest that the body interprets the rapid increase, then decrease in body temperature as a signal that it is time to sleep.

  1. Check your thermostat.

Some studies have found that your bedroom’s temperature may help you get a good night’s sleep. While everyone has their own preference, many researchers suggest setting the thermostat to around 65 degrees for a night of sound sleep.

  1. Be aware of your screen time.

If you wake up in the middle of the night, reaching for your iPhone may seem like a good way to pass the time. But, smartphones and tablets can actually disrupt sleep. These devices emit “blue light” which is interpreted by the brain that it’s morning.

Get the Help You Need

If you’re struggling with alcohol addiction or drug abuse, 10 Acre Ranch can help you detox. We offer personalized treatment, as well as extensive aftercare support to help you maintain your hard-won sobriety. By emphasizing exercise, nutritional balance, and recreational activities, we encourage clients to develop a healing lifestyle that sticks—during and after recovery.

Call 877-228-4679 for program details or to discuss your customized recovery program with an addiction counselor.

Sexual Dysfunction: An Often Overlooked Side Effect of Addiction

photo of a young couple has sexual problems husband has sexual dysfunction due to addiction

Since physical intimacy is a vital part of any relationship, the sexual dysfunction caused by substance abuse can create feelings of shame and embarrassment. Some men also report feeling anxious and depressed by sexual difficulties, which furthers the urge to turn to drugs and alcohol for comfort.

Substance Abuse and Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is the most common form of sexual difficulty relating to substance abuse. All men experience occasional trouble getting or keeping an erection, but ED refers to a persistent inability to get or keep an erection that allows for satisfactory sexual activity.

According to the National Institutes of Health, alcohol is the most common cause of erectile dysfunction due to its depressant effect. However, marijuana, amphetamines, barbiturates, and heroin have all been known to cause erectile dysfunction in men. Even prescription medications can cause impotence when they’re used incorrectly. Opiate painkillers such as OxyContin can be problematic for many men.

Substance Abuse and Your Libido

Substance abuse may also lead to intimacy problems by lowering your libido. For example, heroin and prescription opiate painkillers lower the production of testosterone in a man’s body—leading to a marked decrease in libido. For men who are currently married or in a committed relationship, this can be a source of tension and frustration for both partners.

Treatment Helps Restore Intimacy

AA has long advocated waiting until you have one year of sobriety to pursue sexual relationships. Most rehab facilities also recommend abstaining from sexual relationships while you are receiving treatment. Getting sober requires you to focus on addressing the specific emotional triggers of your addiction—and sexual intimacy can often be an unwelcome distraction during this time.

Remember, though, that the adverse effects of substance abuse are not permanent. After receiving treatment for your drug or alcohol addiction, your sex life should return to normal. Call 877.228.4679 to learn more about how 10 Acre Ranch’s residential addiction treatment center for men can put you on the path to recovering your relationships—and reestablishing healthy intimacy when the time is right.

Shutting Down Inflammation May Aid in Addiction Recovery

photo of a person taking pain killers

Recent studies indicate that inflammation may contribute to the risk of chemical dependence—and we know that substance abuse causes further damage to the brain. To combat inflammation and aid in drug or alcohol recovery, some addiction specialists advocate the adoption of an anti-inflammatory lifestyle.

What Is Inflammation?

Inflammation starts out as a good thing. It signals your body that repairs are needed, but it can quickly get out of hand if left unaddressed. Drugs and alcohol are pro-inflammatory substances; in other words, they send the brain “cues” that kick off an inflammation response. When this occurs, and inflammation is not given time to heal, your body becomes even more vulnerable to addiction, disease, and other maladies.

Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle Steps

Psychotherapy, exercise, and sound nutritional practices may reduce inflammation in the body. Sacrificing a few of your favorite foods and focusing on property nutrition and supplementation is one of the best ways to fight addiction, physical diseases, and mental illnesses that stem partially from excess inflammation.

Step 1. Incorporate probiotics into your diet. Scientists now know that there is a strong link between the gut and the brain. As probiotic foods help to heal your gut, they also reduce brain inflammation. Foods high in probiotics include spirulina, cultured veggies, and kefir.

Step 2. Stop eating inflammatory foods. While the types of foods that cause inflammation vary by individual, some common offenders are gluten, grain, casein (present in dairy products), and sugar. Your qualified practitioner or nutritionist may recommend that you reduce or eliminate their consumption for a while—or for the long term.

Step 3. Rely on nature’s first aid kit. Many herbs and natural supplements contain powerful anti-inflammation and antioxidant qualities. Add fresh turmeric, curcumin, ginger, oregano, and cinnamon to your recipes. You may even choose to buy turmeric powder online.

Step 4. Hydrate frequently. When you drink adequate amounts of water, your liver and kidneys flush toxins more efficiently. As you remove irritants from the body, inflammation calms down. Some scientists also believe that acidic conditions predispose us to health concerns, and water allows you to maintain a healthy internal pH level.

Step 5. Consume omega-3 fatty acids. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, omega-3s help to minimize inflammation and lower the risk of disease. Walnuts, sardines, and salmon are rich in omega-3s, and there are also many high-quality supplements that provide highly concentrated forms of the nutrient.

Inflammation & Drug Abuse

We now know that chemical dependency is a brain-damaging disease. When combined with stress, an inflammatory diet, and other factors, drug abuse may damage the body’s neurological function. When anti-inflammatory diets are combined with other evidence-based addiction treatments, you increase the body’s fighting chance against substance abuse.

For optimal physical and emotional healing, a good addiction recovery program should incorporate nutritional guidance and meal planning. To learn more about our CA men’s rehab program or to begin restoring your body with high-quality ingredients and fresh produce, call 10 Acre Ranch at 877.228.4679 today.

It’s Time to Hit the Diamond

photo of people in the field playing baseball addiction recovery activities

“That’s the true harbinger of spring, not crocuses or swallows returning to Capistrano, but the sound of a bat and ball.” – Bill Veeck

With spring training well underway and baseball season right around the corner, it’s time to begin softball season at 10 Acre Ranch. Softball tournament play is a favorite activity for our recovering male clients—and one of the most beneficial recreational activities we offer.

Recovery Benefits of Softball Play

Addiction to drugs and alcohol takes a toll on your body and your mind. Rebuilding physical fitness and mental acuity is a main goal of recreational therapy. Softball provides mental and physical training as well as expanding our clients’ social network. Men in our addiction recovery program enjoy a variety of holistic benefits from playing softball:

Improved Health & Conditioning

  • Develops cardiovascular health & overall fitness
  • Improves eye-hand coordination
  • Develops core & extremity strength

Improved Mental Function

  • Aids in sun exposure & depression-fighting vitamin D production
  • Provides an outlet for stress
  • Develops decision-making abilities
  • Improves strategizing skills

Social Benefits

  • Improves communication skills
  • Develops a spirit of cooperation & teamwork
  • Provides leadership opportunities
  • Promotes camaraderie & socialization

Recovery Activities at 10 Acre Ranch

If you are a man who is struggling with addiction or alcohol abuse, 10 Acre Ranch has a recovery program that can help you succeed. Clinical treatment teamed up with social support, recreational activities, and healthy nutrition gives you the tools and incentives you need for a lasting recovery. Call 1-877-228-4679 to verify insurance coverage and begin our admissions process. Get in the game and begin your recovery today.