Substance addiction is a complex problem; there’s rarely just one reason why you decided to travel down this destructive path. Some people are genetically susceptible to addictive behavior, while others are more likely to drown their sorrows in substances when tensions are high.
Addiction can also be a way to gain the attention of others. While it may not be a conscious decision, leading yourself into the downward spiral of drugs or alcohol can be seen as a form of acting out.
Not Just for Kids
Acting out is usually seen as something associated with kids. You may have seen it in your own child when they are tired, hungry, or frustrated. While the acting out of a child is usually an inappropriate outburst or a tantrum,
adult-sized acting out may come in the form of drug addiction, sexual promiscuity, or other acts of rebellion. However, the causes of acting out and the need for attention are similar in both children and adults.
Adults who act out through substance abuse may be harboring frustration, stress and lack of confidence. Many have suffered a trauma in their childhood that they never quite processed or “got over.” Low self esteem, panic, and being emotionally stuck after experiencing trauma at a young age are common reasons for falling into addiction. It’s actually the need for attention that drives addicts to use, because they don’t know how else to deal with their problems and get the attention (of a parent, spouse, employer) they crave.
Learning to Cope
The difference in an addict and non-addict’s way of reacting to these challenging issues is having healthy coping skills. Drug and alcohol rehab treatment give you the tools to deal with life’s curveballs in a positive, productive way as you learn to live a sober life. Each plan is individualized to your specific needs. Treatments designed to help you communicate and cope more effectively may include:
California Residential Rehab
10 Acre Ranch is a men’s addiction center specializing in social treatment models. Individual and group counseling, meditation, recreation activities, and life skills workshops help community members learn to connect with their peers and develop coping skills that will serve them during recovery and beyond. To learn more about our recovery programs or speak with an intake specialist about our affordable payment options, call 877.228.4679 today.