Retraining Your Brain for Greater Impulse Control

photo of a woman meditating in the forest

Have you ever experienced “buyer’s remorse”, jumped to conclusions or let your temper get the best of you – only later to berate yourself for not thinking things through? While there are only so many hours in the day to plan each next step, a repeated pattern of impulsive behavior can become a destructive force in your life that makes you feel out of control, erratic and unpredictable. Not a healthy way to live.

Controlling your behavior is an important aspect of living an emotionally stable and healthy lifestyle and it is a life skill that is especially critical for those on a path to addiction recovery. By training your brain to recognize the leading indicators of impulsive behaviors, you can apply those same skills to reduce your risk of addiction relapse.

Here Are 3 Strategies You Can Use to Become More Mindful and Less Impulsive Throughout the Day.

(1) Make a list of the impulsive behaviors that you want to correct. But, the goal here isn’t to strive for “perfection”. Just think about the types of behaviors you can change that will have the most positive impact on your life.

(2) Identify the triggers that lead to those impulsive decisions. For example, do you want to cut back on making impulsive purchases can start saving money towards a new car? Think about the people, places or emotions that typically are associated with spending money on things you don’t really need. Sometimes, the simple act of recognizing your behaviors can help you curb your impulsive instincts to react.

(3) Take a mental health break. If you do start to feel “wound up” and exposed to some of your impulsive behavior triggers, make the choice to take a step back and remove yourself from the situation. Chances are, you’ll be able to calm down, become more mindful of your emotions and take a more rational approach to your actions.

Access Comprehensive Addiction Treatment While Addressing Behavioral Health Issues

Many individuals struggling with chemical dependency are also dealing with mental illness. When addiction co-occurs with other disorders, clients require a specialized addiction recovery plan. 10 Acre Ranch counselors, social workers, and addiction specialists can help clients manage both diagnoses to optimize the chance of treatment success.

To learn more about our CA men’s rehab program and how we can help, call 10 Acre Ranch at (877) 228-4679 today.

“My best friend has an addiction issue. What should I do?”

Some say that friends are the family you choose for yourself. And, rightly so. The bonds of friendship are so powerful that studies have found that close ties with others help us live longer, feel better and can even make you more productive at work.

Given the fact that friendships are so important to our physical and emotional health, what should you do when you recognize that a close friend is dealing with an addiction to drugs or alcohol? Where do you draw the line between being their health advocate and an enabler?

If someone you care about is potentially dealing with an addiction issue, here are a few proven strategies you should consider to help them heal.


5 Ways You Can Help a Friend Who is Struggling With Addiction

(1) Consult experts in addiction recovery. The disease of addiction is a complicated, and potentially dangerous one. While you can educate yourself on the nature of the condition, you need the help of an experienced addiction specialist. They can help you navigate the complex and sensitive terrain of addiction.

(2) Avoid “negative enabling”. One of the most powerful ways you can support your friend is to stop supporting their lifestyle of addiction. Negative enabling is a destructive relationship pattern where a friend or family member goes out of their way to “help” the addict continue their destructive lifestyle.

(3) Talk to close members of their family. If you suspect that your friend is dealing with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, there is a good chance that his or her family is aware of the issue too. Though, by creating a larger support system, you can partner with others to help your friend find the resources and professional guidance they need.

(4) Offer your support. If someone close to you is dealing with addiction issues, they likely feel isolated and ashamed of their condition. The simple act of offering your friendship and support can quite possibly give them the strength they need to finally seek professional help.

(5) Don’t try to talk to them while they are drunk or high. If you do want to start a conversation about helping them find recovery, wait until they are in a sober frame of mind to talk. They will be less likely to be confrontational and more receptive to your message.

Experienced Addiction Recovery Professionals

Our Southern California drug rehab facility is licensed for six beds by the California Department of Health Care Services. We intentionally keep our program small to accommodate clients’ therapy needs, encourage fellowship and relationship building, and provide frequent leisure and recreation opportunities for all residents. To learn more, contact us at (877) 228-4679 to speak with a 10 Acre Ranch treatment specialist today.