Social anxiety disorder is a condition marked by high levels of apprehension in social situations. Some men facing this condition cope with it by withdrawing, but others turn to drugs or alcohol to manage their symptoms.
While consuming alcohol or using drugs may deliver a temporary degree of relief to those suffering from social anxiety, a chemical dependency reinforces the problem over the long haul. Habitual misuse of alcohol, street drugs, or prescription drugs has been shown to contribute to psychiatric symptoms like anxiety, creating a vicious cycle that may lead to long-term substance misuse and dependency. Statistics published by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America suggest that up to seven
percent of the American adult population struggles with symptoms consistent with social anxiety disorder. Of those people, an estimated 20 percent also suffer from alcohol or drug dependence.
Healthy Long-Term Solutions at 10 Acre Ranch Rehab
Thorough screening and accurate diagnosis are keys to addressing the root causes and underlying problems of social anxiety-related substance abuse. The counselors at 10 Acre Ranch provide dual-diagnosis treatment that addresses an individual’s substance abuse history and co-occurring anxiety through a customized recovery plan.
We are among the few CA men’s addiction treatment facilities that have the resources and expertise to effectively treat these dual-diagnosis clients. Our integrated programs help recovering individuals pursue sobriety while taking control of underlying psychiatric disorders through the application of simultaneous treatment models.
Dual-diagnosis cases require an evaluation that includes an understanding of the client’s mental health and substance use histories. If you or someone you love is affected by co-occurring social anxiety and substance misuse issues, we invite you to contact one of our caring staff members for information about getting help through group therapy, individual therapy, and disease education.