There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man. -Winston Churchill
Americans no longer need horses for hauling, transport, or work on the farm, but they still hold a special place for horses in their hearts. Books and movies about horses are almost sure to be hits, and rodeo events and horseracing are as popular as ever. In recognition of the special relationship between man and horse, therapists have begun to use horses in addiction therapy.
Building Honest Relationships
Horses are accepting and make no judgments. Men who have abused alcohol or become addicted to drugs often feel untrustworthy, and they tend to isolate themselves from the judgment of others. Caring for a horse daily helps them bond with another living being and develop a sense that they can be responsible and worthy of trust. The relationship that develops between horse and caregiver is an honest one of cooperation, trust, and the discipline of routine.
Establishing and Respecting Boundaries
Horses are prey animals and therefore have a keen awareness of boundaries. It is important to respect their space and to ask permission before approaching them. Likewise, a human caregiver must make clear to the horse where his boundaries are. Setting boundaries and being conscious of the boundaries of others is a key skill that men in recovery must learn in order to have successful interactions with others. These men become empowered through their work with horses, and carry their newfound skills into social and family relationships.
Discovering Value in Social and Recreational Activities
At 10 Acre Ranch, men 18 and older find the treatment, support, and social interaction that will help them recover from addiction. Our program incorporates recreational activities, good nutrition, and daily exercise and meditation to create a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle that brings lasting change to our clients. If you are ready to end the isolation of addiction, call 1-877-228-4679 to start the enrollment process today. A meaningful life in sobriety awaits you!