Consistently abusing alcohol for many years can have serious and lasting effects on your body. Long-term overconsumption of beer, wine and liquor is often associated with cirrhosis, pancreatitis, cognitive impairment, thiamine deficiencies and memory disorders.
Plus, it also puts your emotional health at risk too. While alcohol affects everyone differently, for many, it increases their risk of experiencing emotional outbursts, violent behavior and excessive anger. And, if you don’t arm yourself with healthy coping mechanisms, allowing feelings of frustration and aggravation to go unchecked can increase your risk of relapse for those working on a path to addiction recovery. Given that alcohol and anger are so interlaced, learning how to control your anger and
respond to challenging situations in a healthy way is critical for those on a path to sobriety. If you are building a new sober lifestyle, the following includes a few strategies to help keep your emotions in check.
(1) When you get tense, think about what you are about to say. In a disagreement with your spouse? See a post on social media that makes you upset? Chances are, if you are getting upset, you likely know it. The next time you feel your blood pressure rise, take this into consideration. Think before you speak, or better yet, tell the other person that it’s not a productive time to talk and make plans to discuss the issue after you’ve had time to cool down.
(2) Get a fresh perspective. If you are upset about a situation or how someone treated you, it’s easy to get into a tailspin of anger and frustration. Sometimes the best way to keep your anger in check is to simply talk to a friend who can provide an objective opinion. They may be able so share a different viewpoint that you may not have considered.
(3) Take a break. Being angry in certain situations is a normal reaction – it’s when you let your feelings escalate uncontrolled that you get yourself into trouble. The next time you do start to feel irritated, take the high road and don’t get caught up in the situation. Take a walk outside, meditate or go to a local yoga class to clear your head.
Alcohol Addiction Treatment at 10 Acre Ranch
One of Southern California’s most reputable rehab facilities, 10 Acre Ranch is an affordable alcohol addiction treatment center serving men 18 and over. We provide a comprehensive range of addiction recovery services based on a social treatment model. Our welcoming program gives residents an opportunity to participate in daily process groups, make positive behavioral changes, and prepare for life after recovery.
To learn more about our CA men’s rehab program and how we can help, call 10 Acre Ranch at (877) 228-4679 today.