photo of people in the field playing baseball addiction recovery activities

“That’s the true harbinger of spring, not crocuses or swallows returning to Capistrano, but the sound of a bat and ball.” – Bill Veeck

With spring training well underway and baseball season right around the corner, it’s time to begin softball season at 10 Acre Ranch. Softball tournament play is a favorite activity for our recovering male clients—and one of the most beneficial recreational activities we offer.

Recovery Benefits of Softball Play

Addiction to drugs and alcohol takes a toll on your body and your mind. Rebuilding physical fitness and mental acuity is a main goal of recreational therapy. Softball provides mental and physical training as well as expanding our clients’ social network. Men in our addiction recovery program enjoy a variety of holistic benefits from playing softball:

Improved Health & Conditioning

  • Develops cardiovascular health & overall fitness
  • Improves eye-hand coordination
  • Develops core & extremity strength

Improved Mental Function

  • Aids in sun exposure & depression-fighting vitamin D production
  • Provides an outlet for stress
  • Develops decision-making abilities
  • Improves strategizing skills

Social Benefits

  • Improves communication skills
  • Develops a spirit of cooperation & teamwork
  • Provides leadership opportunities
  • Promotes camaraderie & socialization

Recovery Activities at 10 Acre Ranch

If you are a man who is struggling with addiction or alcohol abuse, 10 Acre Ranch has a recovery program that can help you succeed. Clinical treatment teamed up with social support, recreational activities, and healthy nutrition gives you the tools and incentives you need for a lasting recovery. Call 1-877-228-4679 to verify insurance coverage and begin our admissions process. Get in the game and begin your recovery today.

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