Take a look at our testimonials and how 10 Acre has helped men recover from their active addictions and rediscover their life’s purpose.
A trusted provider for more than 25 years
Don’t take our word for it, let our clients share their stories of hope & recovery.
“I am writing to say thanks to all the staff and people who I met at the ranch. I went through treatment in July and August. I am clean and sober today, 1 yr and 11 days. Thank you for starting the best place I could choose to get help. I still use what I learned out there. Your friend in recovery.”
“What a ride! How can I put into words from my heart to all of you at 10 Acre Ranch my appreciation for the effort and unconditional love you have so freely given me.”
“Almost one year ago, our son, who was near death due to his alcoholism, was admitted into your program. We are so thankful that he made a decision to seek help before it became too late. Needless to say, our son, too is a very thankful person for having had the opportunity to receive the services of your 10 Acre Ranch.”
“If you can quit for a day, you can quit for a lifetime.”
“I wanted to tell you again how grateful I am to you and your staff at 10 Acre Ranch! When I think back to where he was headed and where he is now, I’m just blown away. It’s been 5 months since we brought him to your place…just 5 short months and look what ya’ll have done….look what God’s done! You all are amazing and you’re doing amazing things….saving men’s lives, helping them find sobriety, giving them back their dignity…I applaud you, I thank you and I appreciate everything you all do! You are all in my prayers!”
“Thank you all so much for being there and being so helpful during one of the hardest times of my life.”
“I am so impressed with your facility and the good work you do. I tell everybody about it. Words cannot express my gratitude and the relief I feel because of Isaac’s progress.”
“The 10 Acre Ranch was a life saving experience for me. Without the direction of the 10 Acre Ranch I know that I would still be caught in my addiction and would have continued to suffer. I owe my life and success to the Ranch.”
“Before I got to the 10 Acre Ranch, I was but a lost 20 year old kid not knowing how to live on my own. The only thing I knew was how to get high and behave in dishonest ways. I couldn’t have asked for a better treatment center to go to, my best friends are now people I was in treatment with and we are still able to have a great time sober, even at 21! All in all I’m super grateful I made it to the Ranch it is truly my second family, and I wouldn’t have it any different.”
“I went through the 10 Acre Ranch in 2013. When I got to The Ranch my life was a mess. I am forever grateful for the 10 Acre Ranch. That is where my life got started. The 10 Acre Ranch is a very special place where I witness miracles happen before my eyes on a daily basis. The Ranch will forever have a special place in my heart.”
“Over two months ago I walked into the ranch broken and beaten by life. With the help of staff, counselors, and patients I found a new purpose and meaning to what I had all but thought was a lost cause (myself). The bonds that I formed will forever hold a special place in my heart. As I continue on my journey the future is bright and full of hope. I will always remember and be eternally grateful for the time I spent at 10 Acre Ranch.”
“I could not stop using drugs or drinking alcohol for anything or anyone and my life was a living hell. I had to drink and drug all day every day. I was recommended to the 10 Acre Ranch, It was the best decision I have made in my entire life. The 10 Acre Ranch made me feel like I was family, I learned about the disease of addiction and facts about why I was this way. 10 Acre Ranch showed me how to live life without using drugs and actually be at peace with myself.”

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What Our Clients Say