At 10 Acre Ranch, we know that quite reflection is an important part of the addiction recovery process, both in rehab and once you begin your new sober life. Even taking a few minutes away from the ongoing activities and stressors of daily life can be beneficial. Quiet time enhances your cognitive abilities and overall mental focus – and it allows you to better process and to integrate what you’ve learned into daily life. It also gives your brain some much-needed breathing room, to think and reflect on the past, present, and future and to assess who you are, how you have been acting, and what needs to change in your life.
Making the Most Out of Quiet Time at 10 Acre
At 10 Acre Ranch, we help you create the much-needed stillness you need to reflect on your recovery. Our residents participate in spiritual nature
walks as well as morning meditation sessions, which are designed to help achieve a state of calm that can be revisited during the darkest hours of addiction. Additionally, clients are encouraged to take time away from daily activities to focus on addiction recovery assignments, or key areas of recovery that need to be analyzed to better understand themselves, their minds and bodies, and their individual recovery goals. These include:
- Anger management
- Acting-out behaviors
- Steps 1, 2, and 3 of the 12-step program
- Self-care
- Communication skills and relationships
- Relapse prevention
- Shame and guilt
- Discharge planning
Rehab Your Mind and Body in Southern California
At 10 Acre Ranch, we encourage our male clients to carve out quiet time and to learn about themselves as they embark upon the recovery process. To learn about our comprehensive addiction services, inquire about fees and insurance coverage, or discuss a loved one’s addiction cycle, contact the 10 Acre team today: 877-228-4679 today.