Sacred Grounds: Native American Treatment Program
10 Acre Ranch Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facility has created the Sacred Grounds Program, to offer effective addiction treatment for the Native American & Alaskan Native community.
Native American Addiction Treatment in California
10 Acre Ranch is a residential and extended care addiction treatment center located in beautiful Southern California. For over 25 years we have been showing men & women a new way of life through effective drug rehab using many forms of drug & alcohol treatment.
Sacred Grounds was created to help our Native American and Alaskan Native brothers and sisters explore culturally informed strategies for understanding how intergenerational trauma and unresolved grief play a significant role in substance abuse and other underlying issues affecting Native American and Alaskan Native communities today.

According to most recent census data, California is home to more people of Native American/ Alaska Native heritage than any other state in the Country. There are currently 109 federally recognized Indian tribes in California and 78 entities petitioning for recognition.” –The Judicial Branch of California
Effective Addiction Treatment for the Native American and Alaskan Native Communities
Our Sacred Ground program is staffed with compassionate and understanding clinicians who have gone through their own recovery journey, and makes for a “family like” environment that is extremely comfortable and supportive. Services Offered:
- Holistic Detoxification
- Medication Assisted Detoxification
- Residential Treatment Program
- Partial Day Program
- Transitional Living
- Medication Assisted Treatment (i.e. Naltrexone, Vivitrol)
The foundation for this healing process is based on cultural ceremonies and teachings developed by Elders in the native community who have dealt with their own struggle with addiction and have provided us with these teachings which are used for healing the body, the mind, and the spirit.

Sacred Grounds offers specialized group therapies which include:
Wellbriety: Medicine Wheel and 12 Steps Group
The Medicine Wheel and 12 Step program was developed to provide a culturally appropriate 12 Step program for Native American people. This program was developed by White Bison, based upon Teachings of the Medicine Wheel, the Cycle of Life and the Four Laws of Change. In addition, participants share their insights and experiences in a talking circle.
Participants also learn how to mind map their own innate knowledge around these teachings and then apply that knowledge to their daily lives and decision making processes.
Because this is done in a group setting, very strong social and emotional bonds are created that help the individuals who participate to develop trust, autonomy, and other healthy feelings and thought patterns that will help them to grow emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually.
“Did you know, the US Government and it’s States provided alcohol to Native Americans as a way to destroy their culture and get them addicted. The US knew what they were doing when they provided this substance to Native people in their weekly rations they were given. And why were they on rations? Because the United States killed their food source (Buffalo) and corralled the Native people onto reservations with scarce food and water.” –’Native Strong’ Facebook post, July, 18th, 2019
Wellbriety: Mending Broken Hearts Group
The purpose of the Mending Broken Hearts group is to develop the capacity of the community to heal from unresolved grief and the losses created by the legacy of Historical and Intergenerational Trauma. The goal is for the individual to reconnect with the culture, with their identity as a Native person, with family members (living and deceased), to complete those relationships where important things were left unsaid or undone.
Traditional Sweat Lodge
Research points to sweat lodges as an effective enhancement to traditional therapy. The results show that those who participated in the sweat group appeared to have greater therapeutic quality compared with the non-sweat group. With the purpose of repairing damage done to our spirits, minds and our bodies, we are honored to offer our residents a place of spiritual refuge and mental and physical healing through meditation and prayer to the Creator and Mother Earth for the needed wisdom and power. Residents who participate in our traditional sweat lodge ceremonies experience a significant increase in spiritual and emotional well-being attributed.
Healing The Circle Workshops
Offering a safe space for expression through sharing, listening, experiencing, to help break the cycles of self harming behaviors such as drugs, alcohol, eating disorders and other past or present behaviors. This group focuses on creating self awareness, redirecting negative self talk, and adopting healthy risk taking such as positive self talk, positive affirmations.
Cultural Creation Art Therapy Group
The creative process in art therapy helps participants find a sense of self clarity, self awareness and understanding. This group art focuses on emotional expression, improvement of self-esteem, and management of conflict. Traditional beading is particularly useful in addressing trauma, because of the unique capacity of art to express repressed traumatic imagery. Our group facilitator art is trained to use appropriate materials and directives based on the needs of the clients and is a facilitator of the client’s journey towards self-awareness and discovery.
Expert & Compassionate Addiction Treatment for Native Americans in California
We understand the pain. We have seen many, otherwise good people struggle with this life threatening disease, and we want to help. We have the proven methods to help you or your loved one achieve a lifetime of sobriety. All you have to do is make one phone call, and ask us for help. We are open 24/7, 365 days a year. Your call is 100% confidential and you will find a compassionate, caring addiction specialist on the line to help you get your life back on track.

Your path to recovery starts here
Our expert & caring staff on site are available 24/7. Call us today.
What Our Clients Say