Methamphetamine Addiction Treatment
Signs, Withdrawal Symptoms & Facts
Leave Methamphetamine Addiction in the Past
The abuse of methamphetamine, a potent and highly addictive stimulant, remains a widespread problem in the United States. The euphoric effect produced by meth is very habit forming, and many users attempt to revisit the feeling over and over. The methamphetamine addict will pursue this sensation despite the disastrous results that they suffer.
The consequences of methamphetamine abuse are usually terrible for the individual and the family. Use of methamphetamines can affect relationships in every area of a person’s life, typically leading to loss of employment and alienation of friends. The physical toll is also severe, with users doing permanent damage to their heart, brain, and many other organs.

10 Acre Ranch provides supportive treatment in a serene, secluded, and relaxing environment. Most methamphetamine abusers come to us underweight and sleep deprived. During the initial “acute” phase, the man will physically detoxify until he is able to eat healthy meals and participate in therapeutic processes. Then he will be ready to move onto the “post-acute” phase where he will join in with 10 Acre’s therapeutic activities.
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How 10 Acre Ranch Treats Cocaine Addiction
Our residential treatment program follows a very supportive “social model.” Our therapists, counselors and clients engage in ‘one on one’ counseling sessions along with group therapy, educational classes, and outside twelve step recovery meetings. Clients also have the option of attending a private health/racquetball club to participate in some much-needed physical activities in addition to our weekly softball games.
The typical schedule at 10 Acre Ranch is a full one and designed to be continuously productive for the man on a variety of levels – including emotionally, spiritually and physically. We take addiction recovery very seriously, but we reward the hard work with fun activities like pizza & movies, Angel’s games, miniature golf outings and museum trips. After all, the men come here to not only get clean and sober, but also to be exposed to an uplifting lifestyle that includes esteem building sober activities.

The Dangerous Effects of Crystal Meth Abuse
The highly addictive and easily accessible drug has been manufactured in household laboratories since the 1970s.
The ingredients for meth are cheap and accessible, however manufacturing this drug is dangerous; makeshift meth labs have been known to cause fires or even explode and kill their occupants.
Methamphetamine affects the user psychologically, biologically, and socially. Chronic methamphetamine use is accompanied by permanent chemical and molecular changes in the brain.
Abusing the drug can cause:
- Memory loss
- Malnutrition
- Violent behavior
- Irreversible brain damage
- Cardiovascular damage
- Severe dental problems
- Drastically accelerated premature aging
Because it can be manufactured from household chemicals that are readily available, addiction and access to methamphetamine is a nationwide and worldwide problem.
Why Do People Use Meth?
Using meth speeds up the body’s metabolism and gives the user increased wakefulness, energy and a feeling of euphoria and power. Once they get accustomed to the effects, the user may feel that their increasing problems aren’t overwhelming when under the influence of the drug. They will feel powerful and feel they will accomplish amazing things and don’t ever need to stop to rest.
For people who have been struggling with a weight problem, methamphetamine suppresses the appetite drastically. The lack of nutrition combined with a stimulated metabolism causes rapid weight loss (and a host of other destructive problems, not the least of which is loss of teeth).
The Long-Term Effects of Methamphetamine Addiction
Everyone has finite energy and power. Our bodies need rest and nutritious food. Like any other machine, the body responds to the repeated intake of poisonous chemicals and a lack of rest or nutrition by breaking down. People who use meth for years are systematically and rapidly destroying their brains and their bodies.
A victim of prolonged meth addiction may look haunted or used up and old. They may exhibit signs like facial twitching, skin that is covered in sores, or rotting teeth. The person may exhibit hopelessness, despair and exhaustion from the cycle of abuse and withdrawal from meth.
Find Lasting, Lifelong Healing at Our Meth Rehab Program in Riverside, California
A life that is beyond their wildest imagination awaits those who pursue a life of recovery. All of the feelings that meth abusers are chasing via their drug use are possible to achieve without any drugs or alcohol.
Recovering people commonly attest that the state of mind they achieve in recovery is better and more rewarding than any sensation they’ve ever felt while using meth. You have the power to get off the nightmare ride of methamphetamine addiction and embark on a journey of recovery that will lead you to your dream destination of beauty, serenity and joy.

10 Acre Ranch is fully licensed by the California Department of Health Care Services to provide residential treatment for drug addiction. Fill out our confidential contact form or call 877-228-4679 now. You can speak to a dedicated staff member for more information about our recovery program and decide if you or somebody you love could benefit from the holistic recovery services we offer at 10 Acre Ranch.

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