Interpersonal Life Skills Group Therapy
Teaching You How to Live Life, Without Drugs & Alcohol.
Learning Life-Skills At 10 Acre Ranch
Because substance abusers tend to spend time with enablers, dealers, and other negative influences over the course of their addiction, they often distance those they love. Many people withdraw into isolation to avoid the consequences of their behavior while others develop unhealthy codependent friendships. Our Southern California rehab for men is built around a social treatment model that helps residents develop healthy interaction patterns. Interpersonal skills are crucial to long-term addiction recovery and are taught as part of our group therapy curriculum.
When interpersonal skills are not a focus of substance abuse recovery, addicts can become trapped in guilt, lies, and deceit. Afraid to share their experience with others, they develop an increasing sense of isolation and loneliness. Our counselors and credentialed team members encourage residents to restore family relationships, enjoy fellowship with peers, and construct a support network they can rely on throughout addiction treatment.
Talk with Our Professionals
The Benefits of Learning Life-Skills Together as a Group
During interpersonal didactic groups, 10 Acre Ranch residents learn to:
Be honest with themselves & others
Take responsibility for their actions
Interact as part of a family
Listen constructively rather than defensively
Empathize with friends & loved ones
Be vulnerable & develop new friendships
Assess & avoid negative relationships
Stand up to peer pressure
Productively manage anger
When interpersonal skills are not a focus of substance abuse recovery, addicts can become trapped in guilt, lies, and deceit. Afraid to share their experience with others, they develop an increasing sense of isolation and loneliness. Our counselors and credentialed team members encourage residents to restore family relationships, enjoy fellowship with peers, and construct a support network they can rely on throughout addiction treatment.
Turn to 10 Acre Ranch in Southern California to Overcome Addiction for Good
In addition to taking part in our interpersonal skills curriculum, process group members have a daily opportunity to experience life together and become part of a thriving community. To learn more about our social model or discuss your addiction treatment needs, contact 10 Acre Ranch by phone or email today. Serving men 18 and over, our affordable rehab facility helps participants achieve and maintain sobriety while breaking the devastating patterns of interpersonal isolation.