Everyone knows that running can be a great way to lose weight and stay in shape, if you are healthy enough to do it. But did you know that running is also a proven spirit booster? During the holidays, participating in a Turkey Trot or Thanksgiving Fun Run may be just what you need to relieve tension and enjoy a sober, but definitely not somber, social event.
Sure: You’re thinking about those sore muscles, pounding feet, and aching lungs, and wondering how that is supposed to lift your spirits. Surprisingly, once you catch your breath, rehydrate, and congratulate yourself and your neighbors on completing the race, you’ll realize you have much to be grateful for. Running is a natural stress reliever with a variety of physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits.
- Running stimulates circulation and leads to better health, including improved brain health.
- Have you ever experienced a runner’s high? Running is a safe, natural anti-depressant. In fact, when you run, the brain releases “pleasure chemicals,” like endorphins, that improve your mood.
- Group runs are healthy social activities. In fact, these events usually include breakfast, lunch, or other social opportunities the whole family can participate in.
- Regular running lowers blood pressure, keeps you toned, and improves your sleep.
- Running leaves you with a positive outlook and more energy—ready to take on new challenges and enjoy your life in recovery.
Start Counting the Blessings of Recovery!
For men recovering from alcohol or drug abuse, the social rehab model at 10 Acre Ranch provides opportunities to develop new interests and participate in sports. We recognize that much of your time has been taken up by your addiction, and we help you find new friendships and interests to fill that time. Call 1.877.228.4679 to speak with our intake specialists about financing and insurance options. You, too, can begin your recovery journey today and start counting the blessings of a sober life.