Are Drugs Drying Up During Quarantine?


All across the globe, people are feeling the effects of Covid-19. Also commonly known as the Coronavirus, Covid-19 has caused widespread panic as the rates of infection continue to grow increasingly higher. This pandemic has caused major disruptions to everyone’s daily way of living, even for drug addicts. As we witness this unprecedented time in history, even the manufacturing and distribution of illegal drugs has been affected. Many items, including drugs are drying up during the quarantine.

Many of us have never seen a time in our lives where shelves in grocery stores remain nearly empty as masses of people panic buy items for safekeeping. This virus has also caused economic shut downs, calling for the forced closure of any business deemed non-essential. While the world has slowly tried to return back to normal we are still reminded that this is not over yet. Along with the shutdown of businesses, and the laying off of millions people, has come the restrictions on travel.

Covid-19 has severely impacted day-to-day living.

Man who is social distancing at home during the quarantine. Looking outside with a face mask on.
The COVID-19 pandemic has not just affected our physical health. Many struggle with mental health issues due to social distancing and fear of these uncertain times.

The coronavirus has caused a number of ramifications on daily life, that are more than surface deep. One issue at the forefront of discussion, at least for some, is the impact it has had on the substance abuse community. Early records indicate that there has been an increased rate of relapse among those in sobriety, this is in part due to unemployment and stimulus money. Seeing as how we are now a few months into this pandemic one may begin to wonder what effect that has had on the drug community in terms of access to their substance of choice?

Drug use has increased, even as the supply of drugs are drying up during the quarantine.

While data shows that there has been an increase of drug trade activity, primarily in England, on the dark web, an area of the internet that requires certain knowledge or software in order to access, the majority of the drug trade in the United States has all but dried up. Of course, that is not to say that there is no way to continue getting drugs, because most addicts will find a way. But, for several reasons, the illegal drug trading market has also taken a nose-dive during this time of quarantine and self-isolation.

A major reason why drug dealing has taken a hit is because of a rather obvious reason– the lockdowns that were being enforced across the country. With less and less people going out, drug dealers and buyers who were used to meeting face-to-face somewhere like in the supermarket parking lot would likely be putting themselves more at risk of getting caught as they could easily be seen as most people were at home or otherwise practicing social distancing. Social distancing has also led to a sharp decline in club drugs, such as ecstasy, as people were no longer able to gather together and use drugs to party. This has also led to an increase in pricing, which in turn has also caused some people to stop buying certain drugs on such a frequent basis.

Two young adults smoking weed outside.
People often turn to drug use during stressful or unstable times. This has increased dramatically during the coronavirus global pandemic.

The closing of stores also seems to have had a major impact as addicts who made their money by criminal activity, such as pawing stealing items or shoplifting, were now left without a way to make money and support their habit. Without many options to “hustle” or make money to buy these drugs that are being steeply priced, this left many addicts without another option.

As the supply of drugs is drying up, drug street prices have increased.

A major increase in prices across the globe has also become a major concern for those in the illegal drug trade or black market. Many suppliers are being faced with shipment difficulties, causing them to hike up their prices as uncertain availability seems  to loom somewhere in the near distant future. There has been a huge spike in prices for many drugs such as methamphetamine, heroin, marijuana, and spice (synthetic marijuana). Additionally, a large number of suppliers in the illegal drug trade operate their business out of China, a known source of the coronavirus outbreak.

Another explanation for why the drug supply in America is drying up is the increased restrictions on United States borders. Due to this, many Mexican drug cartels are suffering as the transportation of illegal drugs across different countries has become more and more difficult. Many dealers became worried about a border shut down and retreated back to their hometowns in Mexico, leaving a huge hole in the local drug trade of many cities.

government crackdown drugs drying up quarantine travel restriction addiction treatment California Mexico
As the government cracks down on the illegal drug trade, availability of certain street drugs is decreasing in American cities.

While the drug trade drying up may sound like a good thing to some, and surely it is, but, what many people may not be aware of are the further implications that this has caused on the drug abusing population. As addicts are now having to look for new sources they are also having to adjust to different products whose strength to them is highly unknown. Unfortunately, has led to an increase of drug-related overdoses even though many drugs are not as readily available.

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People with an addiction are finding other, sometimes more dangerous ways to maintain their drug habit.

Another factor to consider in all of this is what happens when an addict is cut off from their drug of choice? Many of them are unable to stop using drugs on their own, and will turn to other substances, such as heroin or alcohol, in order to continue getting high. This can have major ramifications as people are not used to dealing with that certain substance, this issue has also led to an increased number of unwanted overdoses.

There still remains a huge gap in data as far as how exactly the illegal drug trade has suffered, and just how deep it goes exactly, due to the coronavirus. But many addiction specialists and law enforcement agencies agree that, for the most part, there has been a significant decrease in drug availability. Although that seems to be true, there has also been an increase in overdoses, largely related to opioids, along with increased rates of relapse, as this epidemic continues.

Isolation can be incredibly difficult for an addict, or someone who is in recovery. Reach out for help. It’s never too late to turn your life around!

If you, or someone you know, may be suffering from a substance abuse disorder, especially during these trying times, then we are here to help. We have many trained addiction specialists who are able and ready to help get you back on track to a healthy and fulfilling life of sobriety, even during quarantine.

Do not hesitate to call, we are here 24/7.


What Are the Behaviors of Current Addicts?


If anyone has ever known a person who has struggled with a substance abuse disorder, they may know just how disruptive an addiction can be in a person’s life. Normally, a person who suffers from an addiction is unable to maintain normal things in life that we often take for granted, like healthy relationships, stable jobs, regular access to food, water, and shelter, the list goes on and on. This is because their addiction to drugs or alcohol has literally taken over nearly every aspect of their life. So what are some common behaviors of current addicts?

Addiction is characterized as a brain disease that is manifested through a compulsive desire to seek out and use drugs or alcohol, even if they experience negative consequences because of their drug or alcohol abuse. One reason for that is an addiction to drugs or alcohol chemically alters the brain. This happens in several ways. One of them being that drugs and alcohol trick the brain into believing that it literally needs these substances in order to survive, ultimately leading to an inability to stop using drugs or alcohol. Most of the time, especially after repeated use of drugs or alcohol, an addict is unable to stop to stop on their own.

get help for addiction treatment drug rehab Riverside California SoCal

If you have ever known an addict, it may have come as a surprise, at least initially. You may have only put the clues together after having found out the truth.  Some addicts have grown so accustomed to hiding it after years of abuse that it may have been difficult to otherwise, there was always an excuse for the unexplained or out of the ordinary behavior. For others, it may have been more obvious, as there are usually some tell-tale signs that someone may be abusing harmful substances. If you are wondering now whether or not someone you know may be hiding an addiction, then here are some common behaviors of current addicts.

Abrupt Changes in Mood

One of the most common behavioral traits seen in addicts is an abrupt change in mood. This is due to chemical imbalances that occur in the brain due to drug and alcohol abuse. Feelings of depression, anxiety, anger, and joy that seem to come out of nowhere may be a sign that your loved one has a substance abuse problem.

anger depression anxiety stress substance use disorder behavior current addicts
People who are in active addiction can exhibit wild mood swings, from anger to depression, very rapidly.


They Lie

One thing that all addicts have in common is that they lie. They lie to support their addiction, they lie to hide their addiction, they lie to avoid feelings of shame and guilt. It is possible that a skilled addict has been able to pull the veil over someone’s eyes for years, but eventually the truth always comes out. They may always have an excuse about where all their money went or why they were gone for 5 hours when they just went to the grocery store for milk.

Sudden Lack of Interest in a Former Hobby

Another common sign that someone may be struggling with an addiction is a sudden loss of interest in an activity that was previously enjoyable for them. When a person becomes addicted to drugs or alcohol, it consumes their lives and becomes the main focus. This leaves little to no time for things that they enjoyed before, like hobbies, sports or creating art. If someone you know suddenly lost interest in a hobby, sport, or activity that was previously very important to them, it may be a sign that they are struggling with an addiction.

Woman, playing guitar by the beach in southern California.
Suddenly losing interest in a hobby that once brought joy, is a tell-tale sign of an addict.


Emotional Blackmail

An addict may use emotional blackmail in order to get someone to do things they don’t want to do. They typically start by asking for small favors that allow the other party to feel like they are doing something good, eventually they will ask for something bigger and use emotional blackmail in order to get what they want. They may say things like, “You don’t love me enough” or “If you really loved me”. This is an attempt to use your love for them against you.

They Manipulate

All addicts are expert manipulators of one form or another. This is one of the ways that they are able to continue their behavior. The majority of addicts will say or do anything in order to continue using drugs or alcohol. They may make promises to change when caught in a bad situation, or deny the problem entirely, even trying to switch the blame on you. They use guilt in order to make you believe them, and oftentimes we so desperately want to. Drug addicts can manipulate sometimes for years without ever changing their behavior.

Criminal Behavior

While not all addicts get in trouble with the law, a large portion of them do. Many addicts will do things like steal, forge prescriptions, or even write fake checks all in an attempt to continue getting high. This may also include things like violence and driving under the influence. Many drugs, like heroin or cocaine, can change the personality of the person who is under its influence, causing them to do things they most likely wouldn’t do while sober. Job loss and other legal problems are common with people who become addicted to drugs or alcohol.

Image of a police car lights to illustrate legal troubles associated with drug abuse and addiction.
Drug abuse and addiction typically lead one of 2 places: Being arrested, or dying from a drug overdose. There is a 3rd option: addiction treatment and a lifetime of sobriety!


Verbally, Mentally, or Physically Abusive

Many addicts will become verbally, mentally, or physically abusive, especially when confronted with their addiction. This can be an additional mechanism to shift the blame away from their substance abuse disorder. They may act aggressive or irrational when told no. They may threaten to hurt you, or even themselves in order to get what they want. This type of manipulation is likely just another attempt to continue their addictive lifestyle.

These are just a few of the common behavioral signs that someone may be struggling with an addiction. While these are good indicators that someone is suffering from substance abuse, there could always be another underlying reason like other mental health issues. If you are unsure whether or not a loved one may be struggling with an addiction, please call us today! We have many trained addiction specialists who will be able to help address some of your concerns and figure out a treatment plan if that is what your loved one needs in order to begin living a happy, healthy life once again.

Call Us 24/7 (877)-228-4679

Who is 10 Acre Ranch?


For those who do not know, 10 Acre Ranch is a highly professional, and extremely qualified, drug and alcohol rehab treatment center. It is a residential treatment center for both men and women. It is located in the heart of beautiful Southern California. The town of Riverside, California is just about 60 miles outside of Los Angeles, surrounded by wonderful mountain ranges and great weather year round. Another nice thing about Riverside is that it is about an hour drive outside of pretty much everything – places like the beach, the desert, and even snowboarding are all within reach. It is an amazing place where you can practically wear a t-shirt year round, all while still being close enough to take advantage of different places and different types of weather. These factors make Riverside, California a perfect central location for anything fun you might want to do.

About the addiction treatment programs at 10 Acre Ranch.

The program, of course, is designed to help anyone who is seeking help and is willing to take treatment for their drug or alcohol addiction. People from all over the world have come to Riverside, California just to get treatment from the 10 Acre Ranch facility. As the name suggests, it is also situated on a wonderful ranch where you can play with dogs. Animals are great for therapy as well as additional companionship while learning how to be your best self.

Offering a wide range of outdoor activities, such as a backyard pool for a nice relaxing swim, so that you aren’t cooped up in a house all day while trying to begin a new life of sobriety. Not only that, but the back of the property opens up to one of the most beautiful sets of mountains and the Santa Ana River. Just in case you don’t feel like enjoying the great outdoors just yet, then don’t worry, the 10 Acre Ranch facilities also have plenty of common areas for people attending treatment. You can always kick back downstairs, watch some TV, or take advantage of the game room. The residences include three fully equipped houses with kitchens, so there is high likelihood of a spot being open should you ever need it.

During the treatment program at 10 Acre Ranch, each day typically starts out with a morning meditation before moving on to a peer processing group. These groups try to address things like self-image, addiction and disease education. You can always count on group sessions to be super interactive, but no one is ever forced to talk if they don’t feel like it. If you just want to just sit back and listen, that is always okay too! Each person will have their own unique sobriety plan involving several different techniques and therapies.

You don't have to do it alone, get help today


The professional addiction treatment specialists are like family.  

At 10 Acre Ranch, there is always a therapist you can talk to for additional support, not to mention other psychiatrists or doctors so that all of your needs are being met. You are always guaranteed personal one-on-one time, too! The reason why their rehabilitation programs have been so successful in treating patients, is because it truly feels like a home. Everyone at the addiction treatment facility is like a family. The staff, the clients, and even the alumni who make frequent visits to check in become a huge part of the peer support group for those who attend 10 Acre Ranch for addiction recovery.

Everyone who comes to 10 Acre Ranch is welcomed with open arms and taken in as a new member of a loving, supportive family. The staff strives to make you feel like you are not alone, because no one should ever have to go through life feeling that way, especially when taking on something as challenging as achieving a life of sobriety. Another unique quality about 10 Acre Ranch is that the majority of the staff are also people in recovery, which only helps to add to the family feel. They are not an institution, but a home to recover. Which is why the ratio of clients to staff is significantly lower than most drug and alcohol rehab facilities.

outside view of 10 acre ranch facility


10 Acre Ranch offers personalized addiction treatment, based on your unique, individual needs.

As you may know, not everyone who is addicted to something is the same. Just as every individual is unique, so is an addiction to different types of drugs. It is true that each person will most likely require specialized care. While 10 Acre Ranch is fully equipped to handle any and all sorts of addictions, they also specialize in a wide variety of them, including:

  • Alcohol
  • Cocaine
  • Heroin
  • Meth
  • Prescription pill addiction
  • Oxycontin
  • Percocet
  • Fentanyl

When first entering treatment at 10 Acre Ranch, it is likely they will take your vitals and get a good description of any and all drugs you may be detoxing from. They will get a full medical history and then tailor make your treatment plan, specifically for you. A complete coordination between the doctor, physician assistant, and psychologist will help to ensure that you are getting the best care possible for your recovery. That original assessment will be used to determine the best course of action for medication to make you as comfortable as possible as quickly as possible. It is their utmost desire to provide a safe, secure, and comfortable place for their clients while undergoing inpatient addiction treatment at their facility. They even have a huge cabinet of snacks purely at your disposal.

At 10 Acre Ranch, there is never a shortage of good, healthy food. Things like steaks and backyard barbeques are all part of the normal routine. Not only that, but clients are taken to the gym nearly 4 times a week and allowed to play softball every Friday where they compete for a trophy against several other rehab facilities. For those who enjoy something a little less fast paced, clients are offered yoga classes at the corporate office twice a week, along with things like bowling or movies. They teach you how to have fun without drugs or alcohol. We offer both religious and non-religious programs, and employee assistance programs for employers. If you, or a loved one, are ready to get help and you’re looking for treatment, then there is no better place to get treatment than at 10 Acre Ranch.

SoCal drug addiction treatment program Los Angeles CA detox inpatient rehab for men women
Sobriety is entirely possible, with professional help, you will be more likely to succeed.

Don’t let your addiction ruin another day.

Call one of the addiction specialists from 10 Acre Ranch today!

Someone is available to take your call 24/7.

(877) 228-4679